Chapter 31

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"Indra!" Emi yelled as she ran past Madara and Hashirama to grab her son.

"I'm fine mom."

"Madara! Why is my son's ankle wrapped up?"

"There was a complication." Hashirama said as he scratched the back of his head.

"What complication? You were only suppose to pick up Mito and deliver a letter!"

"Another hidden village attacked us. They were after Indra's sharingan. They must want the Uchiha clan's kekkei genkei secret, in hopes of destroying our hidden village." Madara explained.

"Does this mean a war is going to start out?" Emi asked.

"No. We'll stop it. We'll come up with a treaty. I won't give up the peace that we fought so hard to obtain." Hashirama vowed.

"I'm sorry mom."

Emi looked at Indra in surprise.

"I'm sorry for the way I treated you, mom. And the way I've treated everyone. I'll try harder. I'm sorry for not appreciating all the things you do for me."

Hashirama and Madara both smiled.

"Indra. It's fine. No matter what, your my son." Emi smiled.

"Indra. I want to see you at the end of the week to make sure your ankle is doing okay." Hashirama said.

"Yes sir." Indra said with his head down and limped towards the Uchiha compound.

"Did you guys set up the ambush?" Emi asked quietly.

"No. Indra and I got into a fight. We figured maybe that would open his eyes." Madara said.

"I was concerned. Indra is full of hatred. I need to know more about the sharingan." Hashirama said.

"Why? That's one of our clans secrets. And you heard Indra, he's sympathetic. He's no threat to anyone or the village." Emi said.

"Doesn't matter. I'm also the one healing your son, Emi. I need to know." Hashirama said firmly.

"I can treat Indra." Emi shrugged.

"Emi. You don't have or know the healing prowess that Hashirama does." Madara explained as he put his hand on his wife's shoulder.

"Fine. I'll go with what my husband thinks is best." Emi said walking home.

"That went better than expected." Madara said as Hashirama just smiled at him.

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