First Impressions

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A/n - this oneshot is connected to the other Free x Shu oneshots I wrote btw and this is one of the prompts I added to the list in my message board. This alongside the last prompt got the most votes and it ended in a tie. So i decided ill write this first and get to the 6th next. 

When he first heard of the stranger who's supposedly Kristina's cousin, Shu was only confused. The group was gathered around the bey stadium, resting after another set of battles. Shu had been watching them, standing silently by the end of the group, not intervening, just listening to the banter and the occasional cry of enthusiasm. The snow outside had prevented them from outdoor battles, hence, the indoor stadiums were always crowded with the members, training to lift their ranks, challenging Valt to a battle when they had the chance and the latter took great delight in the sheer amount of battles.

It was when Honey arrived with news they decided to take a break. Shu passed Valt a bottle of water which the latter chugged down. The young girl looked troubled, more or less displeased to be precise. "He's coming for the vacation," She announced. Except for a few people; Valt, Silas, Cuza, Honcho and Shu, the rest immediately understood the meaning behind the simple sentence.


Sasha rubbed her temples at Valt's question. "I really hope it's not the person I think it is."

"It's him. It's Kristian. He's coming again."

"Goddammit!" Sasha cursed, stomping her foot on the ground. It was the first time Shu had seen her using Spanish in front of the rest of them. They had this unspoken rule of speaking in English because everyone understood what each other was telling. Sasha must be really shaken if she suddenly switched languages.

"Who's Kristian?" Honcho asked, looking at Rickson for guidance. The older seemed only glad to offer them the details, more like preparing them for the war before the battles begin.

"He's Kristina's cousin-brother. Around our age, and quite different?"

"He's a spoiled brat." Sasha slumped herself to the floor. "Spoiled to the point I cannot stand the mere sight of him."

"Spoiled than Wakiya?" Honcho couldn't imagine someone as spoiled as Wakiya. Didn't mean he hated the male, no matter how rich or spoiled he was, Wakiya was tolerable and considerate — if he wanted to be of course.

"Wakiya is a sweetheart considering him." Sasha was exaggerating but she didn't seem to care. "He's just straight up mean."

"Surprising though. I mean Kristina is kind and considerate. I don't see why her cousin wouldn't be," Cuza said, his hands firmly on his hips. Carl flying around him, repeating the word Kind over and over that he sounded like a broken record.

Shu didn't add his thoughts to the conversation. He had more pressing matters, like what happened to Free. After the Spider incident, the pair barely had the time to talk. Not that he cared, but still, it was nice talking to him. It was only in his absence Shu realised he enjoyed the blond's company.

"He can't be that bad!" Valt cheered, spreading his ever-glowing positivity despite the desolate, sombre faces of the rest of the group. "Is he a blader?"

"Nah," Sasha said with a dismissing wave. "He's more into soccer and won't stop talking about it."

A silence followed, all of them in one mind thinking about this spoiled cousin that was to arrive the following day.

Shu was in his room when he arrived. He didn't see any point in walking out and introducing himself, and besides he was tired. After the Red Eye fiasco, the constant nightmares had been his companion each and every night. He tossed and turned, unable to — fearing to — fall asleep, succumbing to the darkness lurking inside his mind. Sometimes, his exhausted eyelids would slip close without his knowledge. He would enjoy a restless sleep of two or three hours before snapping awake, panting with the memories running wild in his tormented soul.

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