I can't lie to him, neither I can tell him the truth.

What am I supposed to say?

"Are you going to say something, or are you just going to stay quiet?" He growled.

Tears began building in my eyes, and I couldn't utter a word. I stared at him like an idiot and the agonized expression on his face almost made me scream the truth, but I couldn't. I promised Ben and I couldn't break it. Andrew's shoulders slumped in defeat and he took a step back.

"You're not even going to explain." He gulped and dropped the flower bouquet on the floor. "Fine."

"A-Andrew." My voice cracked, and I tried to hold his hand, but he backed away, shaking his head.

"I thought everything was going great between us. But I guess I was wrong." He whispered and stormed out of my house, slamming the door.

"F**k!" Ben cursed and dashed after him while I stood frozen in my place.

I should have said something...

I should have told him...

But what?

I stumbled to the floor and Toby came next to me, running.

"Lilly." He shook me lightly. "Are you alright?"

"I couldn't tell him," I mumbled as tears rolled down my cheeks. "He... He thinks Ben and I and I couldn't lie to him-" I couldn't even utter the words as I burst out crying.

"Come here." Toby picked me up and helped me sit on the couch beside him. "It's going to be alright."

"Is it?" I whimpered. Toby opened his mouth, but nothing came out of it. "Toby?"

"We'll think of something." He clasped my cheek in his hands and wiped the tears with his thumbs. "It's a misunderstanding and we'll clear it."

"How?" I sniffed. "How can we clear this, Toby? He won't believe it. Not until we tell him the truth-"

"F**k! F**k!" Ben shouted as he came inside, looking like a mess. He had a cut on his lip and it was clear Andrew punched him.

"What happened?" Toby jolted from the seat towards Ben and examined his lip cut.

"That a**hole won't listen to me!" Ben growled. "He thinks something is going on between me and Lilly."

"You need to tell him." Toby firmly said, making Ben's face scrunched in confusion.

"Tell him what?"

"Tell him the truth!" Toby shouted, making Ben gawk at him.

"Are you crazy?!"

"I'm crazy?! Didn't you see what the f**k just happened?! You need to tell him!"

"I can't..." Ben mumbled, and my heart cracked. "I'm not ready."

"Ben, open your eyes and look at what mess you've created!" Toby said, pointing at me.

"I..." Ben gulped and averted his gaze from me. "I can't do this right now."

"Stop being so f**king selfish for once in your life, Ben!"

"Selfish? I'm being selfish?!"

Ben and Toby continued fighting, but I zoned out, staring at the floor. Until Ben tells Andrew exactly what's going on, he won't believe it.

And Ben is not ready to tell anyone.

Then what about Andrew?

What about... Us?

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