Jake and Vincent were talking to each other until they noticed the looks the two next to them were giving each other. When Rory stuck out her tongue to Riley she turned away as Rory turned around herself to see Jake looking at her. 



"Is that the one that eats people?" Rory asked while looking at Vincent. Jake couldn't hold in his laugh as he laughed at his sister who kept an innocent face while Vincent tried to glare at her. That was nothing she had been the one to wake up Riley in the morning. 

When Jake's small laughing fit was over another group had come in and was waiting for them to be noticed. Ryan saw them so she kicked Riley under the table. Riley looked up at Ryan who only nodded her head behind her. 

Turning around Riley saw the group of 7 people, the obvious couple had a small child behind them and the others on their sides. 

"Angelina so good to see you dear," Lea walked over and gave her daughter a hug, and preceded to greet her husband. 

"Hey mama," Angelina hugged her mother with one arm as the other was holding onto her youngest child hiding behind her. 

"Come on meet the girls." Lea's smile never left her face when with her family especially when her granddaughters had been returned to her. Angelina grabbed her husband's hand and walked closer to them. Angelina had shared the most feature with their mother with her pale green eyes and dark brown hair. It looked black but with the right lighting, you could see the real color. 

"Girls this is your Aunt Angelina and her husband Roman." Lea introduced them and sat back down. 

"Go on introduce yourselves" Angelina prompted her children who all stood in front of them with frozen expressions. 

"I'm Blaine." The oldest of them said. He had to be about the same age as the quadruplets. His dirty blonde hair matched his father's, but he had his mother's eyes. 

"I'm Hazel." Hazel was the opposite of her brother with her father's deep blue eyes, and her mother's brown hair. 

"Nico." The second boy gave his short reply wanting only to sit and eat dinner. He was a carbon copy of his father and stood next to him. 

"This is Morgana," Angelina introduced her two youngest, the young girl stood and waved awkwardly to them." And Kenna." The girl who had hidden behind her mother looked out from behind her slightly only to quickly go back to her post. 

The girls both shared the features of their mother and crowed close to her when they sat down. Kenna got the misfortune of sitting closest to Vincent. Riley looked in pity at the tiny girl sitting next to the boy who had ignored them for the 20 minutes they had known each other. But she didn't see the small girl and unpleasant boy high-five under the table and wink at each other. 

"What a great family reunion," Riley whispered in Rory's ear with such a tone that no one else could hear. They both went and grabbed their menus and scanned for dishes. 

Riley was reading the foreign language with ease but once Rory realized she could not she gave up and resorted to staring at Ryan from across the table. She knew Riley would find something for her to eat. Rory continued to stare at her sister with a small smile on her face. 

Feeling someone's eyes on her Ryan looked up to see Rory staring at her. 



"Great then quiet staring."


"You know why?"

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