Chapter 1

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{Chapter 1}

"I've never been so excited to sleep in my own bed." Katie giggled as they pulled into the drive of their flat. Andrea turned off the car as the two girls jumped out of the car and ran up the steps to the front door.

"What are we doing for dinner tonight?" Andrea asked, searching for her key in her pocket as they waited for the elevator. "Just pizza and movies, or do you want to go out?"

Just then, the elevator doors opened and the girls stepped in. Katie reached out for the button for the 7th floor as she turned to her best friend with pursed lips.

"Doesn't matter. We could just stay in?" Katie shrugged.

"Okay good, because I want myself some pizza." Andrea laughed. The elevator ride was short and they stepped out onto the familiar floor.

There were always benefits of living with your best friend. Andrea and Katie had left Canada in search for something bigger and greater when they were 16.

With whatever money Katie and Andrea had both saved that summer, from working at their local McDonalds or 7/11, they put it all together to pay for a one way ticket to London, England.

They hadn't looked back ever since.

Katie pushed their apartment door open and immediately walked towards the kitchen counter, where she dropped her bag full of clothes she had kept with her at the hospital. She hadn't been home for nearly a week.

Andrea walked to the TV and turned it on to MTV.

"Fresh from their American and Australian Tour the boys have finally returned home. Our own One Direction has been on iTunes top 100 for the past 3 months, and we've never been so proud of our all British pop stars."

Andrea laughed as an older interview of One Direction came on the TV.

"Hey Kat- Guess who's on TV?" She chuckled. Just as Andrea suspected, the brunette popped her head around the corner anxiously.


Andrea laughed some more and pointed to the picture that was on the television screen. It was a picture of the 5 teenage boys holding up a Brit award.

"One Direction, they're back in London apparently."

Katie laughed and walked into the Living room to stand beside Andrea and looked at the screen.

"I remember how obsessed I was with them when I was 16. I think that was one of the reasons I wanted to come to London so bad." The 18 year old blushed. "But that was when they were on the X-Factor." Katie said smugly. "I liked them before it was cool to like them."

Andrea laughed and elbowed her friend in the ribs playfully.

"Since I smell like hospital and shit- I'm going to get a quick shower." Katie said, pulling uncomfortably at her blouse. She turned to walk out of the room, towards the hallway that lead to the bathroom. "You better pick a good movie!" She called over her shoulder.

Andrea smiled as she scrolled through the channels on the TV. There was never anything good on Saturday nights at 9 pm so she knew she'd have to result to DVDS.

Suddenly, a sharp buzzing sound came from the kitchen. Andrea dropped the remote control on the couch and ran to the kitchen, where she had left her phone.

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