"Haven't convinced her yet?" the blonde said making the little blonde look at her and reach up to her

"No... not yet" she said looking a bit disappointed "Help me mommy... please..." she said now using her puppy eyes with the blonde which made the older girl have to hold in a laugh that threatened to come out

"Maybe we could..." Maya started as she looked at her wife who just rolled her eyes at her

"Not you too" she said hearing how Luna chuckled at the situation

"But it'll be just for a little bit" she said as the six-year-old in her arms nodded "and they will come in as soon as we tell them, no argues" she said "right?" she asked and both girls nodded

After a few minutes of silence, the Italian looked to her side where she saw Luna looking at her with pleading eyes. Then looked to the front and found the little blonde with puppy eyes as well which made her sigh

"Okay fine" she ended up saying making her wife and daughters smile "but just for a little bit" she said making the little blonde nod as she started wiggling, so her mom would put her down. Once on the ground, the girl ran towards her room to look for her jacket and gloves "Go look for your things too bella" she said to the brunette next to her

Once the girls were off to their room, the blonde sat next to her wife smiling when the brunette lay her head on her shoulder.

"How did today go?" Maya asked to her wife that had closed her eyes for a second

"Good actually" she said opening her eyes as she turned to look at the blonde "I took today off" the brunette said making the blonde nod paying all her attention to her wife "Emma watched a movie while she colored but at some point decided she wanted to go play outside" she said as her wife chuckled

"That's our little Emma... she can't sit still" Maya said earning a nod from the brunette "You already know that" she said smiling

"I know" the woman said remembering what else had happened today "And, well Luna spent most of her day trying to teach Ace some tricks" she said remembering what her older daughter activities were "The dog wasn't cooperating to be fair, but you know how Luna is... she made it work" she said

"Wouldn't be our Luna if she didn't fight" the blonde said not only because of what her wife had just told her but because of everything. If there was something Luna was, that was a fighter. Not matter what was thrown at her she had proven she will fight as hard as she can against it.

"So, know we have a dog that rolls on the ground, plays dead and whisper-barks" the Italian said making the blonde frown

"What does whisper-bark even mean?" the blonde said being able to picture the image of her daughter teaching the dog all those things and getting excited once he got it

"It's like barking but whispering" a voice suddenly said making itself present into the living room "It's funny" the girl said shrugging as she walked closer to the couple

"Where's your sister?" the brunette asked making the girl look back to where she had just come from

"Deciding what jacket to wear" she said letting out a sigh "something about not knowing if she wanted the pink or the blue one" she said rolling her yes

"We have a bit of time still then" Maya said earning a nod from the girl that had sat next to her, laying her head against her arm

"Wait 'till she finds out she has a purple coat as well" the girl said causing her moms to let out a laugh


"Emma! This way!" Luna called once they made it out of the building and started running towards a little park near the place. The couple walked right behind them with a smile that didn't seem to want to leave the women's face

"I bet I get there before you" the little blonde said pointing to the end of the street making the older girl look at her with a grin on her face

"You wish" Luna said confidently turning her gaze back to her sister "What do you think Ace, want to have a little run?" she asked the dog that wiggled its tail and suddenly barked "That's what I thought"

"Ready?" the six-year-old asked receiving a nod as a response "Go!" she suddenly said laughing as soon as she started running

"That's cheating!" the girl said only causing for her sister to laugh harder. Luna would let her win anyways, but it was fun to see how excited she got thinking she was actually faster that her older sister

"I win!" she shouted once she reached the place she had pointed to before "I won!" she said excitedly know looking at her moms that walked towards them

"You cheated" Luna said teasing her baby sister

"I won" the girl said shrugging as she did a little victory dance that made the nine-year-old chuckle.

"I guess you did" the girl ended up saying not being able to fight the other girl "Let's go play" the girl said changing the subject causing her sister to nod eagerly

A few steps behind them, Maya and Carina looked at the two girls while they walked. Both of them couldn't believe how far they had gotten. They still remembered the first call and even the first time they saw them. There was almost nothing left of those two scared little girls

Emma was a bubbly little girl, who liked movies and dresses and meeting new people. Nothing like the shy Emma that clung to her older sister's arm and looked at her just to make sure everything was safe before she decided to make a move.

On her side, looking back to the terrified Luna who just couldn't let anyone in, who had panic attacks constantly, who couldn't even sleep in her own bed because she was scared... That girl was replaced by the girl they knew from the beginning was there. The sweetest, most kind and strongest girl.

Maya looked at the two girls that were now playing and then gave a quick look to her wife. The only thing she could feel right now was pure admiration. For her wife whom she couldn't be happier to be spending her life with and for her daughters. This was her family.

"Those are our girls" Maya said, clear realization on her voice, which made Carina turn at her, smiling at the woman's words. Who would say that those words would ever leave Maya's mouth. That woman who never thought about having kids.

"They are" the Italian said feeling her chest fill with a feeling she couldn't describe. Whatever it was she didn't want it to stop. At some point if felt like this moment would never happen but here they are.

They knew there was still a lot of work to do, there was a lot of things that still needed to happen, but they would get there at its time. For now, they wanted to enjoy what was going on right now. Everything else could wait


So here is the final chapter. I'm sorry I took so long. There has been a lot going on but it's finally here

I hope you liked it

Thank you all for the amount of support this story got. It was really incredible to read all the comments and see that you guys were liking it

There will be a few more updates soon in case you want to know a bit more about these girls and their lives

Also, who else is happy that our favorite couple is back?

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