Chapter 28: Tides always shift

Start from the beginning

Lex agreed with Yamcha, "Indeed, I am doing my part in shutting down all of his systems. Trying not to mess it up like last time."

Goku flew in pleading for Gohan and Goten to leave him alone, he turn to see Yamcha, Superman and Lex all staring at him.

To them, it looked like Goku was getting boxed by a shadow, something was off by the way he looked, which Lex quickly assess. "Brainiac seem to have placed him under a cognitive battle. As we speak his nervous system is reacting to false impulses."

"How do we stop it?" Yamcha begged.

Lex placed his hand on his chin, "Well there are two ways, you can have him boost his will to overcome it." Goku crashed into the walls leaving the room as he continue fighting his ghost, Lex continue his explanation, "Or you can destroy the source of the cognitive interference field."

"Well you are a part of the system, tell us what it is." Superman snapped, he coughed up some blood.

"Isn't it the droid you all were fighting before? But let him go." He points to Yamcha, who was pointing at himself went he said, "Right now you can take on that droid, using the system, there is a scan about you, saying you are a threat."

Dazed, Yamcha muttered, "You think I can take that thing down?"

"I know you can, now go!"

Immediately, he followed Lex's orders and went after the droid that Frieza was having a hard time with. Lex then turn back to Jon, a device came from the floor.

"What is this?" Jon asked.

"It seems he was trying to make a father box from scratch, but it seems this universe doesn't have all the materials to complete it. Right now as we speak he has a namekian and a possed human going for something called the Dragon ball."

"No!" Superman staggered to his feet, "Why didn't you tell him about that?"

"He is capable, but it's best he went to take on the droid, that way I know you can return home."

"You send him to die?!"

Lex looked at him sternly "Take it easy, your father isn't here, no need to kill yourself for these people."

"I am going to do what my father would do!"

Lex bowed his head, closing his eyes. That statement alone, he couldn't convince the boy one abandoning these people, that not what his father would do. "Fine....but wait a few seconds, if Brainiac has parts to make a red sun projector, most certainly I can make a yellow or blue sun projector."

"What about a suit like Superboy prime?"

"Let's not push our luck. Time is limited."

"Alright," Jon said, as he wiped the blood from his mouth.

As he rested, two battles raged on. Three if you count Goku and his predicament. Yamcha darted through rumble, holds and tangled wires as he searched for Frieza and Brainiac droid. He found it funny that he is going to help save someone who threatened earth numerous times. Nevertheless, it's more the faith of his friends and family now, praying that they are going to be fine, no they will be fine, once he fights hard.

The scene was laid before him, both Brainiac and Frieza stared down one another, a golden being against the metal hulk. Spitting out blood, Frieza picked up a large metal spike, firing them like bolts at Brainiac.

The droid danced between them, but got whacked by a tail, he was grappled by Frieza's hand-like feet, he flipped the droid, punching rapidly at its chest. It begins to be short, as its lights flickered.

Yamcha came out of nowhere like a wild ape, he slammed both fists into Brainiac's chest, propelling him into the wall in front of him.

"Took you long enough!" Frieza snark.

Performing his dance, Yamcha cracked his knuckle, and bent his fingers like claws, "It's time to hunt! We have to defeat this thing to help Goku."

Frieza, puzzled at his companion's statement "Huh, what about Goku?"

Brainiac picked himself off the ground, his vision was terrible, glitching all over, and his body jerked unnaturally, for more than usual. He tried to stream to another body, but he was locked in, there was no way to connect with anything else.

"Fine, you all can celebrate the halting of your harvest, however, my core body has been repaired." The droid flexed, then twisted its torso, freeing up its joints to take them one, "Sad that you all will never understand my mission. For can never be stopped, no matter what, if this body is destroyed or not, I win."

The droid then eclipse the room with its arua, causing cracks to form on the walls and tearing up loose panels, Yamcha and Frieza shielded their eyes from the power that he was spewing, and the animalistic droid thundered. Then it absorbed the energy, controlling it like that of the flame of a blow torch.

Opening its eyes sent Yamcha and Frieza tumbling, one step sent ripples through the surrounding space-time. Then came the uncanny grin, "Like I told that cat, I am the collector, and I will have my prize."

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