Chapter 27: Trick of the Trade

Start from the beginning

He dropped to his knees to take a breather, finally taking out a droid that was bothering him. Yamcha saw this, and he quickly darted over to him, kicking away a droid that was trying to sneak up on Superman. He struck it with a spirit ball, he then created two, spinning them around him like satellites. He fired one at the crowd and the other at the lone droid, then fired it at the mob.

Troubled, Yamcha asked Superman if he can make it and if anything was his plan.


Yamcha picked him up, placing his arm over his shoulder, "What about the main deck?" He said that as he controlled both spirit balls with one hand.

"It has something we can use to stop Brainiac, I saw it with my x-ray vision." Superman coughed up some blood into his hand, flicked it off and then stood up on his own.

Yamcha doing his best to hold back the droids from coming any closer, "Are you sure that can stop him?"


The desert bandit didn't like the uncertainty of his response, especially now, since Superman isn't as super as his name implies.

Out of the blue, Brainiac and Freiza burst into their hallway, eyes lasers and discs flew all over the place, their blows creating powerful shock waves that sent the droids flying. They left when Frieza received a kick to his chest, away with him, and Brainiac followed after, roaring like a dragon.

Yamcha gulped, now that he witnessed Frieza is having a hard time. Time is of the essence, so he picked up Superman, carrying him on his back. "Alright, let's head to the deck! Hold on tight."

He hopped onto the edge and tossed up a spirit ball that burst through the ceiling. Yamcha then flies behind it, progressing through the ship at an alarming pace.

"Hey, how you did do that?" Superman asked

Yamcha didn't answer, he was mostly focused on avoiding the debris that was falling from above. They made it to the deck, it was much more sophisticated than the other levels. There were so many screens showing data, symbols and charts.

"You can put me down now."

Yamcha put down Superman, as he clutched his stomach from the trauma, he walked across to a console and started typing, or just pressing buttons. Yamcha didn't have a clue what he was doing, but how did he know? So he asked him about it.

"I remember Lex Luther showed me how to override systems. Well, I didn't pay that much attention to it but I know the basics."

A voice came from the console, "Lex? That fool!"

Brainiac came out from his pod, this body was different, more organic than the rest.

Yamcha steps back, taking his stance to fight this foe. He noticed it was bulky, and taller than the droid, matter a fact, it looked nothing like a machine, just a green being in a grey and black suit ports.

Jon focused on typing away before he get locked out of the system, he quickly secure the console for himself, which impressed Brainiac.

"Lex thought you well. No matter, you are in the belly of the beast, therefore you are not leaving." Wires snaked out causing Superman to hop back away. 

He pressed his back against Yamcha, the duo stood between the sparking wires and Brainiac.

"You got what you came here for?"

"I got part of it."

"That's good enough."

"Only one way to find out. Keep him busy." Superman pulled out a small device from his pocket, it had the Luther signature double L.

"No!" Brainiac shouted, charging toward them.

Yamcha tried to stop him but he was swept off his feet as well, so he flew up with him, just enough to make him miss. Brainiac grabbed him flinging him aside, before he hit the floor, Yamcha covered the back of his head. His body dented the metal, but the got up, and lunge at Brainiac from behind.

"Wolf Fang Fist!"

A flurry of strikes connected with him, so Brainiac reacted with an elbow to his back. Again Yamcha crash to the ground, he was about to get stomped on, when he heard Lex's voice.

"My fellow academic, my lesser." It was a hologram of the man himself standing before Brainiac.

For a moment, Brainiac lost his cool, swinging at the hologram.

"My my, time here must have rotted your brain, such a pity." The hologram turned to Jon, pinpointing where you are on the multiverse, Jon. Aam I interfacing with his main ship now."

Back on Brainiac's main ship, all hell is breaking loose, as his Warworld begins to malfunction. "No no, this inferior tech can't handle Lex's virus."

Lex mocked the droid "I thought you were the smartest in the multiverse? This should be a piece of cake for you."

"Lex! You slimy bastard!"

The hologram smiled at him, "Oh Brainy, it's all tricks of the trade. You cross me way too many times for me to miss this opportunity."

The device in Superman's hand opened up a map of the Galaxy and then pinpointed where the main ship is located. "Well look at that, we have the main ship locked down."

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Brainiac charged the boy with blind rage, as all his systems around him shifted from his to Lex's.

Out of the blue, he felt something snatch him by the neck and then tossed him aside. What stood before him, was someone he wasn't expecting to see, and infrared Vegeta.

He snarled as he powered up. "Now let's fight properly."

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