(80) Comprehensiveness and growing closeness

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In the house of Gupta family:-

In the afternoon, the surrounding became more pleasant and paradisiacal

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In the afternoon, the surrounding became more pleasant and paradisiacal. The cool and gentle breeze was hitting each and everyone, the children were playing in the play ground, near the under construction buildings; the labours had already completed their works and started departing for their respective houses, the birds started to return to their nests.

Arjun and Saubhaagyashree were busy with their private conversation by standing on the roof.

Arjun:- Why don't you want to ask any questions to me?

Saubhaagyashree (smilingly):- Because, I have already got my answers within these few hours! That's why!

Saubhaagyashree (smilingly):- Because, I have already got my answers within these few hours! That's why!

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Arjun (with a confused tone):- But how? I mean, you must know about every single event in my life!

Saubhaagyashree:- Yes, that's true! I should know everything!

Arjun:- About my earlier lifestyle, my studies, my hobbies and my earlier affairs!

These words made Saubhaagyashree laugh till no end. She understood that Arjun is trying to test her possessiveness and passion towards their upcoming relationship. Somehow, she controlled herself and quench his curiosity by answering perfectly.

Saubhaagyashree:- I will surely know about your personal life, studies and hobbies! But, it's not a matter of just one day, I will gradually know those details with passing away of time!

Arjun:- And what about the last one? Don't you want to know about my affairs, because most of the wives become eager to know about this thing only!

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