(27) Breaking the chain of problems

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"Whatever happens to you, it is pre-destined, for you to become depressed is not the solution of that problem; it is one more problem"- Arjun Sharma.

After knowing the farewell of both the family members, all of them retired from the hospitals. Rouhi, Prakash and Prapti left from the city hospital and called Kailash to come near the coffee shop beside the main road. They decided to return home together; Kailash and Katyayani told Saubhaagyashree about their departure and left from there. After meeting near the coffee shop, five of them returned to their house. While, Saubhaagyashree told the police officers to show her both the cars, which faced accidents.

Saubhaagyashree:- Officer! At first, I want to check my brother's car and then, the overloaded truck.

Officer 1:- Okay madam! As you wish!

All the police officers and constables along with Saubhaagyashree went to the Salvage yard (This is a place where the accidental cars are kept for further investigation of police).

In the salvage yard:-

All the officers and Saubhaagyashree went near Raghvendra's car

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All the officers and Saubhaagyashree went near Raghvendra's car. She was observing that car minutely. Suddenly her eyes fell on the rear-view mirror of the car. The reflection attracted her attention. Some of the officers were standing very close to the car, still their reflections on the mirror were too small to understand. Saubhaagyashree rubbed her hands gently on the mirror and a sparkling victorious smile ornamented her face. She came back to the officers with the same smile.

Officer 1:- Madam, have you got any clue?

Saubhaagyashree:- Yes officer! You were absolutely right! This is a pre-planned accident!

Officer 2:- How did you get to know that, madam?

Officer 3:- Yes madam, please explain us!

Saubhaagyashree:- Very simple, officer! We all know that the rear-view mirror of the cars are made of CONVEX MIRROR. These convex mirrors are used in motor vehicles, because they form virtual, erect and diminished images, irrespective of distances of the objects. Convex mirror helps the driver to view large areas of the traffic behind him and he can easily detect the vehicle coming or running towards him. This also helps them to avoid the accidents. But here, in this car, this convex mirror is replaced with a CONCAVE MIRROR. All of us know well that, the concave mirror has a reflecting surface that is recessed inward, away from the incident light. Concave mirrors reflect light inward to 'one focal point'. Thus, the focal length gets minimized and the viewers can only observe a little length from the mirror. This is what exactly happened to my brother, due to the concave mirror; he couldn't estimate the distance of another car, which was coming exactly behind his car. He thought the road was clear and that particular car was far away from his car. So, he turned his car and faced this accident.

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