(78) Confusion and choreographing first part of the plan

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"A good plan implemented
today is better than a perfect plan implemented tomorrow"- Raghvendra Gupta.

In the house of Gupta family:-
In the dining room:-

In the house of Gupta family:- In the dining room:-

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Everyone had already started to have their lunch. There was a hidden excitement running in the veins of Arjun, but none of the family members had sensed that. The children were equally jubilant with all those new experiences.

Ikshumati:- Grandpa, just look! How beautiful the dining table is!

Rajesh:- Yes dear! It is indeed very beautiful!

Oahilewar:- And it is so well decorated! Wow!

Bhawan:- I think, papa; the kids are more excited than Arjun!

Yuvanav:- Exactly! This is also my doubt! There is no sign of excitement in Arjun's face!

Krishnendu:- Arjun, what happened? Why are you so silent? Are you alright?

Krishnendu:- Arjun, what happened? Why are you so silent? Are you alright?

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Arjun:- Yes krish! I am completely fine!

Krishnendu:- I know what is making you this much impatient!

Arjun(with a little confused tone):- What is the reason?

Krishnendu:- Shall I tell that in front all the elders? Think about it twice, my friend!

Krishnendu:- Shall I tell that in front all the elders? Think about it twice, my friend!

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