(3) Annihilation of innocence

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"It is innocence which makes the children fearless"- Kalyani sharma.

In the Mansion of Sharma family:-

In the Mansion of Sharma family:-

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In the meeting room:-

Rajesh and Rajendra Sharma both the brothers were busy for the meeting with their business partner Manish Agarwal. Manish had a daughter, approximately of the same age of Arjun - Ishita Agarwal. The fathers had very good relation between them, but Arjun didn't like Ishita, not even her name; not even her shadow. Even her shadow also made him irritate from the nerves and the reason was - annihilation of innocence.

In Arjun's personal study room:-

Ishita:- Arjun! Why are you studying now? Come, just spend some time with me. I am here only for you, darling!

Arjun was reading a book by sitting on the chair and keeping the book on the study table. Ishita came more closer to him and started brushing her slender fingers through out his open body parts like neck, nape, face, cheeks, hands etc. Arjun removed her hands from him.

Arjun (irritatedly):- Can't you leave me alone? How will you understand my words? If you need to understand through any other language then tell, I'll surely make you understand in that language only. But please leave!

Ishita:- please Arjun! Don't become angry on me! I am your childhood friend, right?

Arjun:- My bad luck!

Ishita:- No, dear! It's your good luck that you have got me. I am with you always and will be till the end of time.

Arjun:- Can't you understand what I am saying. For God's sake, please leave me! I am folding my hands in front of you, please leave me!

Ishita:- Okay, now, I am leaving but I will come soon, darling! I can't live without you. Good bye.

After the completion of the meeting, Manish and Ishita left from there.

Kalyani:- Come Arjun! Have your lunch.

Arjun:- Enough maa, I am not hungry.

Kalyani:- But dear, why will you not eat?

Arjun:- Because I am not hungry!

Kalyani:- You may not be hungry but you are angry for sure.

Arjun moved his face and focused on the book. Kalyani came down stairs and called Kavya to request Arjun for having some food.

Kavya:- Arjun! Why are you angry?

Arjun:- I am not angry on you both. So, please! Chhoti maa, I will not eat. Don't force me.

Kalyani:- Ishita is the reason, I know that but what can...

Arjun:- Stop it, maa. You know everything, still you allow that witch in my room. Am I a human or a lifeless prey for her?

Kavya:- Arjun, dear, try to understand! Your papa and chacha have very good relationship with Manish and Ishita. So...

Arjun:- Please, chhoti maa! I don't want to argue on this matter!

Kalyani:- We all know that Ishita is very different from our culture. She has grown up in foreign country. Her culture will not match with you. But we can't forbid her for doing something by telling not to do this! Not to do that! After all they are also our guests. It's our responsibility to adjust with the guests.

By hearing this, Arjun calmed down. Kalyani and Kavya came towards him and caressed his head.

Arjun (with tearful eyes ) :- Maa, I don't like how she looks at me, how she behaves with me. She always try to come closer to me. I really feel irritated by all these movements. I can't hit her also. Maa, what will I do, maa, tell me!

Arjun broke down into tears. Kalyani knelt down in front of him and hugged him to console.

Kavya:- Arjun, don't bother about her. We tried our best to keep her away from you, but Mr. Agarwal doesn't want the same. We all know his real motives, right? Don't worry about it. I am sure that you will get an angel of the Heaven in the Outerverse as your wife.Then, you will surely forget about Ishita and all her hypocrisy. You will remain busy with your precious angel. Don't feel bad for Ishita's behavior. Just handle her as taken for granted. Now come, dear, have your lunch like a good boy!

Arjun became shy hearing those words of Kavya, he nodded smilingly and came down stairs to have his lunch. Everyone was enjoying the taste of the food with an extra flavor of togetherness.

So, guys, this is the third chapter of the book. Hope you will like it.

Next update is coming soon. Till then, take care, stay safe and healthy.

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