Chapter 11; Pretty Good News and Really Bad News

Start from the beginning

"Eve sent me"

"Eve Torres?"

"Yeah she is in the hospital right now. C'mon and we can talk to her," AJ says. Eh... the nurse said i had to stay she never said in this room. She leads me outside my room and walks me down to the lobby.

Eve and Rener sit side by side sharing a Tim Hortons muffin. Behind them is a window showing that it is pitch black outside.

"What time is it?" I ask AJ confused.

"You fainted about an hour ago," she tells me. "It wasn't anything serious really. You just kind of lost consciousness and the doctor said your brain made you pass out so your heart could regenerate blood faster."

"Where is Wade by the way?" I ask.

"I told him he could go back to the hotel," AJ shrugs. "I figured you'd be fine without him. When we got here with you, the doctors said you would probably be back at the hotel before midnight anyways."

"What time is it now?"


I chuckle. "I guess I exceeded my deadline."

"Guess so"

"Kaitlyn!" Eve says as she and Rener jog up to us. "Hey Kaitlyn what's up?"

"So nice to see you guys here," I say. "How'd you guys know we'd be here?"

"Actually Rener has a student who said you were in town," Eve says. "Didn't expect to see you in a hospital though but whatever..."

"I expected it very much," AJ mutters. I glare at her but she only shrugs. "Knew it'd happen eventually"

"Keep talking and you'll be next," I threaten. Eve and Rener chuckle. "I'm not joking"

Silence fills us.

"What's your students name?" I ask Rener.

"Blake," Rener says. "He's a junior in high school. I saw him practicing at a gym and decided I just had to train him. He's that good."

"I don't think I know him," I say confused. "How'd he know I was in town?"

"He has a little sister..." Rener says rubbing his chin. "Damn... What's her name?"

"She was that teenage girl beside Blake's girlfriend," Eve remind him. As she speaks, she leans against Rener and gazes up at him. Wow they're really cute together. I know when they get married it won't just be a short-term thing. Death really will do them part.

"Oh right," Rener says. "Marissa!"

"Oh her!" I ask. "How is she?

"Brilliant!" Eve answers for Rener. "She was pretty upset at first because of the whole incident that happened to her. Did anyone tell you about that concert?"

"I was AT that concert!"

"Oh," Eve says smiling. "I guess you did then. Anyways at first she was very upset but Blake and her have such a bond that once she saw him that night her whole morale just lifted right up!"

"Well that's amazing!" I exclaim. It really is! I'm so glad she's alright!

"Would you like to come to Blake and Reners practice tomorrow? Marissa will be there!" Eve asks.

"Yeah of course!"

"Kaitlyn," a nurse says to me. "Can we talk to you?"


"See you at the practice Kaitlyn," Rener and Eve say basically in sync.

"See you!"

The nurses lead me and AJ(wont do whatever the doctors want without her) down the hall. They lead me into a different room that seems more darker than my original one. What's going on?

A doctor stands in the room straight faced and motions for me to sit on the bed.

"Doctor do you need to take more tests?" I ask remembering what'd he'd said earlier.

"No, no," the doctor assured grave faced. "No more tests on your nose"

I gulp. Clearly he is about to tell me something bad.

"Miss Mendez," the doctor says turning to AJ. "May I please talk to you in private?"

AJ nods and follows the doctor outside the room. To occupy myself, I text Marissa

To -MarissaHoran-: I'm going to your brothers practice tomorrow!

I instantly get a reply. Teenagers

From -MarissaHoran-: Cool. What're you doing right now?

To -MarissaHoran-: At doctors. Long story ill probably tell you there

From -MarissaHoran-: Okay, can't wait to see you.

On cue, AJ and the doctor re-enter the room. Both look devastated.

"Miss Bonin," the doctor says. "We're going to leave you two now. You have much to talk about."

The doctor and nurses leave the room and shut the door behind them leaving just me and the crazy chick in the room that reminds me of a interrogation room.

"Kaitlyn," AJ says. "I just want you to know that I am always going to be here for you, okay?"

"Okay," I say confused.

"The doctor told me the results of the tests," AJ starts.

"Am I going to be okay?"

"Gimme a break. It's your freaking nose, of course you'll be okay!" AJ answers rolling her eyes. "Let me finish."

"Okay, okay"

"Kaitlyn your nose problem is very rare," AJ says. "The doctors say its so rare that it doesn't even have a cure because it usually goes away by itself eventually. But.... You have a damaged vein in your nose."

"So," I shoot back angrily. I don't know what hit me but suddenly I could only feel anger. More and more anger.

"This isn't like the damaged vein I had in my leg," AJ says surprisedly calmly. "This vein can't be healed by surgery because it is up your nose. This freakin vein leads to your brain."


"And Kaitlyn," AJ says. "When Wade accidentally banged into your head it cut the vein and caused bleeding."


"Whenever something bangs into your nose it could cut and cause the same thing!"

The news hits me hard but I gulp it down and shrug. "Well this stuff happens all the time. What can you do?"

"Celeste you don't get it," AJ continues. Uh-oh. She never calls me Celeste unless she is really serious.

"What don't I get?"

"Nothing is allowed to bang into you or else it could risk causing a lot of bleeding again. You can't wrestle until this vein heals, if it heals"


A/N: Well thats one hell of a plot twist if i ask myself

Obviously, I'm not going to end Kaitlyn's wrestling career, but this twist definitely postpones it. 

I really dont know what else to say. I dont own the wrestlers, i thank each of you for reading. Seriously! I REALLY appreciate it.


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