And so, Raiden's day-to-day continues.

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Not everyone has an exact definition of this day, some think that it is just capitalism to buy gifts and spend money, while others have the idea that it's a date when the family should be united, without import gifts or any of those material things.

In my opinion, Christmas is just a day when you can receive gifts, money and spend time with your family, in short, a combination of the two previous theories.

Now speaking of celebrating this day, I think it's time to go make breakfast, as my parents must still be sleeping. It's not that they worked late into the night or covered a night shift, but rather that they went to a bar to celebrate with their coworkers and came back late at night.

Normally it would be considered dangerous for a 15-year-old boy to go out late at night to a bar, but it was already recurring that on some occasions he would always remain unconscious while drinking, so it was already recurring for me to go looking for him, even the owner of the bar already knew me.

If I were not a minor, I would have no problem going to drink something, after all in my previous life it was recurrent that I drank when I went out with my friends, in addition to having good resistance to alcohol, I can even say that I cannot get drunk.

So, after greeting my dad's co-workers, I had to take it away. It might have been a difficult task for an average 15-year-old, but in that area, I am glad I am not average.

So, after bringing that old man into his room, I went to read until I got sleepy.

Once I took a shower, I decided to go down to the kitchen to start making breakfast.

As if it was a sign, Kuro also left my room in the direction of the kitchen, I guess he must be hungry.

After reaching the kitchen, look for the ingredients in the refrigerator, as well as the food for Kuro.

"You're lucky there's leftovers from yesterday."

"Nya." Kuro happily replied to my words as if he could understand them, although this is impossible, right?

After feeding Kuro, I started cooking.


After half an hour I had finished making breakfast, so now is the time to wake up the other members of my family.

So, I decided to start with Rumi, as the task of awakening those two would be more difficult, so it would be better to save it for last.

After reaching her room, I knocked twice on her door, but there was no response.

She probably stayed up late reading, so she must be a heavy sleeper.

So, I decided to go into her room.

I didn't know much about what an elementary school girl's room should look like, but I was sure having a shelf full of panda stuffed animals wasn't common.

And among all of Pan-san's stuffed animals, there was one that stood out more than all of them.

The XXXL edition of pan-san, which Rumi uses as a stuffed animal, which may be her favorite since she's usually sleeping with that one.

Remembering, that stuffed animal was a gift from her previous birthday.

Obtaining it, of course, was not easy, since the only way to achieve it was in a game on Disney land, specifically in the objective game, where you had to shoot down different panda-shaped targets 5 times in a row to be able to obtain it.

It was quite difficult, because the 5th target was moving too fast, and her movement pattern was too erratic for me to be able to read through.

So, after several unsuccessful attempts, I managed to get it, despite the fact that the person in charge of the position seemed quite reluctant to give it to me, at the end of the day it was almost impossible to achieve the 5 objectives, therefore, I still find the face of that subject funny.

My New Life is not what i expectedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें