Something unexpected.

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On December 24, Christmas Eve, normally this day would be a holiday and there would be no need to go to classes or work, or at least that was the way it was in my previous world, instead now I had gotten used to December 24 being like any other day, of course, the 25th was a holiday.

But looking on the bright side of this, it would be that friends who couldn't see each other on Christmas Day might exchange gifts the day before, of course I've never done anything like this before since I don't have any friends.

I hadn't even considered doing it this year, but Rumi was very insistent that I should gift Miura and Kawasaki something. And as a good older brother, I couldn't refuse her request, and I suppose it wasn't a bad idea to do so either.

And although at first, I had complications for not knowing what to give them, I had a moment of enlightenment when observing Kawasaki, so I took the opportunity to buy her gifts. I just hope they are to her liking, as Rumi would be upset if she gave them something that is not to her liking. Sometimes I don't understand what my pretty little sister thinks.

Hearing the bell brought me out of my thoughts as it signals the beginning of lunchtime. I guess having free study hours is quite rewarding as you can use those hours to waste time on your thoughts. But since we're 2 months away from the entrance exams for the different high schools in Chiba, giving free study hours became more common.

I usually spend that time reading novels or getting lost in my thoughts, since at my current level I could easily be number one at Sobu High, but I prefer to avoid having to give the opening speech, so occupying a middle position is the most feasible.

I snapped out of my thinking and averted my attention to my classmates. Most of them formed groups so that they can exchange gifts with each other as this might be the only time that they get to see each other. So, the act of exchanging gifts serves as something to help them remember each other for years to come, that's what I think if I try to read between the lines.

That would be what any student who analyzed things too much would think, but I knew it was not true. Since the exchange of gifts also served to demonstrate the economic condition of the person or his willingness to spend the money on the gift.

After all, if you had enough money and wanted to show it off, it is obvious that you would not skimp on the gift, this would serve to show off to others, and there is also the person who has enough money but only buys something cheap, this shows that you have no interest in the person who will receive this gift. Some will say: but the intention is what counts.

This is a vile lie, after all, all people are selfish, so most of the things we do are for ourselves, whether it is a whim to demonstrate superiority to others, or a social obligation, being this alone the obligation to give something away, even if it is not to the liking of the recipient.


Of course, not all people are like this, sometimes there are exceptions that if they do it out of goodwill or affection towards other people, but these cases are few.


Hearing someone yell my name brought me out of my thoughts.

"Hello Yumiko."

''I've called you several times already, are you ignoring me or something?'' For some reason, after hearing this, I felt like Miura's temper was getting worse.

''My bad, I was just thinking about some things."

Instead of calming her down, I could see her squinting at me, giving a strange look that I couldn't analyze confidently.

I'd better change the subject before she starts lecturing me. Ever since she got close to Rumi, she's been talking about some things with my sister, and now when I do something bad, she scolds me.

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