Kawasaki Saki face to face with reality.

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Kawasaki POV:

If I were to describe Tsurumi in one word, the first thing that comes to mind is that he is a bit strange, although if it had been a few weeks ago, the closest word would have been arrogant.

This is due to the first impression he made the day he attended the academy.

When sensei introduced him, I thought he would be a new student, but to my surprise, Tsurumi introduced himself in a rather arrogant way, since who could introduce himself that way? In a nutshell, he said that this academy was not worth it since he considered that the level was low, but who was he to say such things?

When I was about to challenge him, Watanabe beat me to it.

I thought that would be enough to make him regret his words, after all, Watanabe was the third best student in the academy, but to my surprise, he was defeated in a pathetic way, and although he asked for revanch, the result was the same.

I must say this surprised me as it seemed as if he was not only good with words.

Due to how this situation had occurred, it was to be expected that Tanaka would challenge Tsurumi, so I began to observe him, since if Tanaka were defeated by him, I would have to face him.

And as if my thoughts were some kind of premonition, Tanaka was defeated by Tsurumi, although he must attribute his defeat to underestimating him. Those two had definitely made Sensei's students look bad.

Before I could intervene, Sensei asked Tsurumi if he wanted to confront me. I was sure he would accept, but to my surprise, Turumi said it would give the same result.

Who did he think he was to put me on the same level as those two?

So, I couldn't help but get up and challenge him.

Although his response was only more arrogant words.

I was upset by Tsurumi attitude.

At that moment I could notice a little doubt in Tsurumi's gaze, as if he did not know how to deal with me.

That made me remember my first days where Watanabe and Tanaka despised me for being a woman, but after practicing for a few months, I managed to overcome them easily.

I told Tsurumi that if he underestimates me, he would regret it.

The first fight was easy, I tricked Tsurumi with a feint and got a point.

Seeing that it was so easy to hit him, I thought maybe I had been overestimating him, and those two were too useless.

At that moment I was convinced that the fight was already decided, and it would be my victory. I couldn't help but give Tsurumi a mocking smile, after all, he started with the provocations.

To my surprise, Tsurumi managed to get a point and worst of all was the way he did it, hitting me lightly on the cheek. That bothered me too much. I no longer had reason to hold back or feel confident. My victory would be imminent.

We both looked at each other hoping that the other would be the first to make a move, and so it happened, Tsurumi advanced towards me, we exchanged a few blows and returned to our position.

But after a few seconds I realized that Tsurumi's reaction speed had slowed down, so it was time to get this over with.

But to my surprise, it was Tsurumi who recklessly advanced towards me, I thought he had lost his mind or just wanted me to defeat him, so I kicked him in the head, but he did not block it but dodged it at the last second leaving me totally unprotected, second later I could feel a pain in my stomach, Tsurumi's fist had hit me directly, so I ended up falling to the ground to try to recover the air that I had taken away.

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