Even so, Raiden is a big brother.

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My outing with Rumi went perfectly, I was even able to get her another giant Pan-san, although the look of the person in charge of giving out the prizes was not the best, but if it's for my little sister, I would take on the world without hesitation.

The next day we did go out with my parents, we went to the hot springs. It was a quiet train ride, plus the place we went to was quite relaxing, I can't complain.

I even bought some souvenirs that I gave to Yumiko and the others for canceling that day. I also received the little presents that they bought Rumi for her birthday, arriving home I gave them to her.

And just as Yumiko said, they asked me for compensation for it, and since I also remembered Keika when I saw Kawasaki, I decided to take them to Disneyland. I know I'm very original, but it's the only place where there are fireworks every day. And I'm not too sociable to know places to take several girls.

Yumiko and the others didn't object to the idea, although I could notice some disappointment on Yumiko's face for a brief second.

I even jokingly said that in the future we could go to the hot springs alone, although from what I saw, maybe she took it seriously. But leaving that aside, I should avoid that kind of action, but it's fun to joke with her.

Since for the time being I prefer to keep things as they are. Remembering the word appointment, I feel like I'm forgetting something, but if I forgot it, it must be something unimportant.

Kawasaki didn't object to the idea, after all she told me that Keika was asking her when I would take her to watch the fireworks, so it's time to keep my word.

The good thing was that with Kawasaki I can joke about going on dates, the expressions she makes are hilarious, although more than once this earned me a punch from her.

Rambling in my thoughts is the only thing I can do during the club hours, since when there are no customers, reading my novel and thinking is the only thing to do, besides Yukinoshita does the same.

Today is Wednesday, so there is already a week, and a half left for the cultural festival. My class is doing something common, the food stall is so original, other classes are doing the same thing. My job is to help with the construction of the stall and move some things around.

The interesting thing is that Yumiko's section is doing a kind of a maid caffe, so that day I should stop by her classroom, although I doubt Yumiko would be up for wearing that kind of outfit, but it would be a nice thing to see.

The bell rang indicating that club time was over.

''A day with nothing new to do.'' I said as I stretched.

''I'm sure, for someone like you, having nothing to do must be the best.'' Yukinoshita said with some mockery.

''It is.'' I don't have to lie, doing nothing is better than doing something.

''I see it getting harder and harder for you to become a decent member of society.''

''I'm as good as anyone else, I could even become the prime minister of Japan if I wanted to.''

''That would be interesting to see.'' Yukinoshita immediately responded to my mockery.

''Unfortunately, I don't want to do that.'' I'd rather avoid anything that's too annoying.

''Then don't mention something that's impossible for you.''

''I didn't say it's impossible, I just don't want to do it. Besides, I just have to become a politician, gain the support of others, and that's it.''

''Talking is so easy, but I doubt that by using violence as you usually do you can achieve it.'' In that Yukinoshita is right. ''But I see you as a Yakuza.''

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