The little sister test

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Things happen for a reason, either by people's decisions or by something called destiny.

If someone years ago had told me that at some point, I would be having lunch with Miura, I would not believe it. After all, I planned to have the minimum of contact with some characters.

But the girl in front of me is proof that I could be wrong.

It seems that there is a greater force that pulls the strings of life, but since it is my second life, I can't help but think that this is true.

If they asked me; If you saw Miura in danger, would you help her? My answer is obvious, I would help her without thinking. After all, I guess that spending several years with a sweet little sister made my selfish attitude decrease, it doesn't mean that it disappeared completely.

It already seems like I'm a typical romance character though if someone else were in the same situation, I'd just ignore them.

My doubts about the origin of the universe aside, I still find it hard to believe that I'm having lunch with the future fire queen of Sobu High, not that I have any complaints about it.

It's already been several days since I started having lunch together with Miura, so it could be said that one part of me got used to it while the other part thinks I'm in some kind of dream.

To think that Miura was someone so fragile and vulnerable before entering Sobu High is hard to believe. After all, one behaves according to the experiences one gains, so associating Miura with the girl I met that day in the hospital still seems unbelievable, but the proof that I'm wrong is right there in front of me, like this, that to keep trying to find the logic for this will only give me a headache.

"Raiden, do you have brothers?"

Miura question took me out of my thoughts: "I have a younger sister, she is very similar to you, except for the color of her hair." My words seemed to surprise Miura.

'' Oh, is that so?''

"I don't think I have any reason to lie to you, am I right?"

"You don't have to answer that way either" it seemed like this bothered her a bit, and she started pouting. I can't deny that she looks cute while she's doing this.

"If you want, I can present it to you, it is not that I have it hidden or anything like that.''

On second thought, I would like to know how Rumi would react to Miura. In the time at the camp in the original story, Rumi only talked to Hachiman and Yukino, as she found the other characters boring, but currently Rumi is someone different than she should be. I have no complaints about it, after all, what kind of brother wouldn't care about his little sister's future?

''¡Can I go to your house!?'' Miura's voice had a tone of excitement and nervousness at the same time.

On second thought, didn't I just invite a girl to my house?

How stupid can I be? She's nervous about it, I guess interacting most of the time in a disinterested way made me a little numb to these issues.

"If you want, it's not that I make you do it or anything like that"

I don't know why, but what I said sounded as if I was trying to trick someone into coming to my house.

"If you agree with that, I have no problem." Miura for some reason seemed happy about this, I understand this girl less and less.

Before she could respond, rang the bell that marked the end of lunchtime.

''See you at the exit Raiden'' After saying this, Miura rushed back to her classroom, she looked happy for some reason. I repeat what I think, I don't understand Miura at all.

My New Life is not what i expectedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz