A cute little sister

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In the blink of an eye, 2 days had passed since the Kawasaki incident, so today is Thursday. One more day and it will already be the weekend.

Normally I would be happy about this, but unfortunately for me, Miura had already booked my Saturday, so my precious break will be used as time to be Miura's shopping porter.

I am currently on my way to Kawasaki school as it is my duty to walk her home, although this would not last long because we had agreed that I would keep her company until she recovered. In addition, I was able to observe an improvement in Kawasaki's condition so that it would not take long for her to recover.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I got on badly with Kawasaki or anything like that. What's more, we got along very well, the times I was able to accompany her, we ended up talking about our younger siblings although we had little discussions about which younger sister was the prettiest.

It was more than obvious that I would always defend that there was no prettier younger sister than Rumi, although this made Kawasaki call me siscon.

Of course, I avoided asking her questions about her friendships since the last experience I had with it, I preferred to avoid that topic of conversation.

Without realizing it, I had already arrived at Kawasaki school, next to the door of her school I could see Kawasaki waiting for me.

Now that I think about it, if I hadn't injured Kawasaki, none of this would have happened, although I wouldn't know whether this was good or bad. Good because I was able to get close to Kawasaki, bad because it caused Kawasaki problems, even though sensei said injuries are something what can happen, I think I'm overthinking it.

"Oh, Tsurumi, you are late"

''I didn't know there was an exact time for my arrival.''

In this little period that we spent together, Kawasaki started teasing me. Until recently, she was a serious and lonely girl, she even seemed like a delinquent., it's not something that can be related to the current Kawasaki. I still have the feeling that there will be some event for Kawasaki to adopt that attitude, since, as I could observe all the time in the academy, Kawasaki is quite friendly with all the students, also in those moments she is quite approachable. What could make her change like this?

"Did someone mention that they would take responsibility, or am I wrong?"

Will you also use my own words against me? I guess I have to be more careful about the things I say.

I couldn't help but sigh at her words. "Okay, you don't have to remind me" I started walking towards Kawasaki's house.

''Cof cof ''

I could hear Kawasaki trying to get my attention.

I decided to turn to look at her. ''Kawasaki?''

Kawasaki proceeded to stretch her arm out. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

To think that Kawasaki would be the one to ask me for support in such a direct way, is not something I thought I would observe.

''I get it''

I proceeded to use my shoulder as support for Kawasaki, although she was no longer limping, so I figured it was no longer necessary, I guess it must still hurt a bit.

The road passed normally, I mean that we were discussing which younger sister was the prettiest, a common topic that two older siblings talk about.

While we were halfway there, Kawasaki's cell phone started making noise.

Kawasaki took out the cell phone and looked at the screen, she looked somewhat surprised for some reason.

"Tsurumi, we can stop for a moment, as it's rare for my mother to call me at this time."

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