The past will always haunt you.

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Yumiko POV.

Classes went on as usual, with nothing new.

Once the teacher finished assigning a task, the lunchtime bell rang.

''Yumiko, let's go.'' Hina said good-naturedly.

''Let me take out my bento.''

Since I learned to cook, I started making my own lunches.

Even on the occasions when Raiden joins us for lunch, I usually share my lunch with him, which he gladly accepts.

Although Kawasaki is the first to make fun of this, that's why there ends up being an argument between us.

Raiden almost always refuses to have lunch with us, although if I insist, he ends up reluctantly accepting. I still don't understand why, but since I eat lunch with the others, I don't have many complaints about it, after all, I don't want to seem controlling.

Before we go to lunch on the rooftop, we stop by Yui's classroom to pick her up.

''Yui.'' Once inside her classroom, I called out to her.

''Yumiko!'' Her energetic and lively way of being is already part of Yui.

Yui took her bento and came towards us.

"Yahallo!'' Yui says it so often, it's rare that she doesn't greet like that.

''Yahallo Yui.'' Hina responded to her greeting.

''Hello, Yui.'' I found Yui's greeting strange, but Ebina always plays along.

''Mou, Yumiko! ¡You should respond as appropriate!''

''I told you; I find it strange.'' I'm a little embarrassed to greet Yui like that.

''I'm sure if Yumiko greets Tsurumi-kun this way, Tsurumi-kun would be pleased.'' Hina said with some mockery.

''Whatever.'' I looked away from them.

I didn't know whether to take Ebina's words seriously, but the idea doesn't leave my head.

''Maybe I can try it later.'' I said in a low voice.

''Yumiko!'' Yui started hugging me. ''You can do it!

''I don't know what you're talking about.'' I replied as I pulled Yui away from me. ''Let's hurry up, I'm sure she's already waiting for us.''

She's really annoying when we're late.

After walking through the corridors and up the stairs, we reached the rooftop.

"You're late.'' Her cold and disinterested tone is easy to recognize.

Kawasaki, Raiden's friend who I met after following him one day.

Initially, I feared she might take him away from me, but that wasn't the case. Raiden considers her his friend, even the way he treats her shows no preference, I was very observant during the first few days we met.

Also, although at first I considered Kawasaki as Raiden's friend, as time went by and thanks to Hina and Yui, I ended up being able to talk to her normally. Since almost every time we talked, we ended up arguing although nowadays that hasn't changed, I just find her company pleasant.

"We're not that late, are we, Sakisaki? Hina said as she walked towards her.

Kawasaki just gave a sigh, she got tired of telling Hina to stop calling her that. Hina is a tough nut to crack.

With our small talk over, Yui brought out a tablecloth where we proceeded to sit down.

After we met, we used to have lunch at the top of the water tower, but it was annoying to be going up and down all the time. Of course, sometimes we go to the cafeteria, but Kawasaki usually dislikes this idea, but she can't reply when Hina tells her to.

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