114.Nothing Is More Important Than You

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Uncle Oh looked at the father and son pair and laughed, "What? Shocked?"

Pointing towards Sehun, uncle Oh said, "I want to him to continue being the CEO of the company so that he could destroy the Oh enterprise by his own hands."

Sehun narrowed his eyes. He could not understand what uncle Oh meant but he was happy to know that he would remain his in position. Nothing else mattered to him.

"You have offended the Jeon's now. God save you and your company." After saying this uncle Oh went upstairs.

Father Oh patted his son's shoulder and said, "Dont Listen to him. You are still the CEO of the company. Find a way to get out of this mess and save the company form bankruptcy."

Sehun nodded his head.


After few minutes, uncle Oh rushed downstairs with his bag.

"Where are you going?" Father Oh asked.

"What do you think? After whatever happened do you expect me to stay here?" Uncle Oh asked. Pausing for a while, he said, "I am moving out. The CEO position is still yours but don't forget that I am still the biggest share holder of the company. If you try to play any tricks on Lisa in the future, be ready to lose the position as well. Take this as a warning."

After saying this Uncle Oh walked out of the mansion.


Outside the mansion.

Father Kim was waiting for his friend inside the car.

When he saw Uncle Oh coming out, he gestured the chauffeur to help him.

When uncle Oh entered the car, Father Kim said, "Stay with me in the Kim Mansion from now on. I don't have anyone to spend time with. Lisa is already gone and Yufan is a young man. I can not expect him to stay with me every time."

Uncle Oh nodded his head in agreement. He never depended on the Oh Enterprise for money. In fact he never showed any interest in the company. He was just the biggest share holder. Uncle Oh had his own business which was gradually increasing. So leaving the Oh Mansion and cutting ties with the Oh's would never affect him much.


Jeon Mansion.

When Jungkook entered his room, he saw Lisa sitting on the edge of the bed, carefully examining her ring.

Jungkook walked towards her and sat beside her.

Wrapping his arms around her, he asked, "What are you staring at?"

"The ring. I am feeling scared. What if I lose it? What if I-" Lisa said.

Jungkook hugged her and said, "If you lose it, I'll get you a new one."

Lisa frowned and said, "What? What do you mean? You are okay with me losing the world most expensive ring? The ring which you bought In God knows how many billions."

"Nothing is more important than you." Jungkook said.

Lisa shook her head and said, "This ring is the epitome of love and sacrifice. And moreover you gave me this ring, I'll always treasure it. I'll never take off this ring no matter what happens."

Jungkook smiled and said, "I love you."

Lisa froze, "Jungkook I-"

"It's okay. You don't have to say anything. But the day you fall for me, you have to come and tell me directly okay?"

Lisa nodded her head.

"Why didn't you tell me that you met Simon yesterday?" Jungkook asked.

Lisa widened his eyes in shock, "He-he did not do anything."

Jungkook took a deep breath and said, "He does something or not is secondary. If he even touches a hair of your body, he will be dead."

Lisa sighed and said, "I didn't want to worry you."

Jungkook shook his head and said, "You never worry me okay."

Lisa nodded her head and said, "I'll tell you immediately if I meet him next time."

Jungkook smiled and said, "Good." He then leaned towards her and licked her lower lip.

Lisa trembled. His kisses were very sensual. She subconsciously wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

They were sucking each others lips, intertwining their tongues like there was no tomorrow.

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