Ch. 25

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Coach: Let's go! Back on the bus!

Allison: Okay... Scott. Scott? Scott? Scott? Scott... Scott? SCOTT!
Scott: ...It's my fault.
Allison: Scott, look at me. It's okay.
Scott: [sees his stitches] Did you do that?
Allison: [nervously] Yeah...
Scott: [impressed] Nice.
Allison: Can you stand? Okay, put this on.

Past, day beforehand. Scott's room.

Isaac is standing in Scott's doorway. When the teen finally noticed him.

Scott: Whoa...
Isaac: Where are you going?

Scott: Uh, I was gonna go get some food to eat...
Isaac: Oh, cool! I'll come with you.
Scott: Nah, dude. It's okay. I can eat alone.

Isaac: What are you getting?
Scott: Uh... Mexican...?
Isaac: Dude, I love Mexican.

Isaac chuckles at himself. Others also laughing at him.

Scott: [anxiously] Isaac, I can eat alone. It's okay.
Isaac: You're not going alone. Come on.

Venus looks over at Isaac, sending him a grateful smile. She was glad that someone was there for her brother while she couldn't be.

Scott and Isaac, both squeezed on Scott's motorcycle, speed through the streets of Beacon Hills, with Isaac not yet aware that their dinner date is actually a summit with the Alpha Pack to try to come to some sort of truce.

Scott and Isaac are in an abandoned mall.

"That's sketchy as fuck." Theo and Vee say together. Glancing down the mother has a giddy smile on her face. Bouncing up and down excitedly.

While the rest look scared. Two Venus'. Dear lord.

Scott: We're just gonna talk to him, okay? Try to reason with him. That's it, all right? What?
Isaac: Nothing. It's just that, uh... I'm actually kind of hungry now.
Scott: So am I.

"I'll buy you guys some Mexican if you want." Venus offers. Causing the two boys to share an excited glance before nodding rapidly.


Lydia: Is he okay? Are you okay?
Scott: Yeah. Stiles... Where's Stiles?
Lydia: Trying to stall Coach. We still don't have gas.

Allison: I'm not leaving him.
Lydia: Then we have to leave the car...
Allison: Sounds good.

Lydia: What? [muttering] That wasn't an actual suggestion... Allison, wait! Aw, screw it.

"Looks like Auntie Lyds never looses her sass," Hope teases. Causing the strawberry blonde to once again blush at her nickname.

Past. In the mall showdown.

Deucalion: You didn't come alone.
Scott: Yeah. This is Isaac.

Deucalion: I'm not talking about Isaac.
[gestures to Derek who's just come out of the shadows]
Scott: [appalled] You knew I would do this? Derek, don't! You can't do this so no one gets hurt. If someone else dies...

Derek: [growling] Him. Just him.
Deucalion: Just me? Now, how's a blind man find his way into a place like this, all on his own?

Despite the situation Mattheo and Venus let out snorts, trying to cover it up with fake coughs.

Scott and Allison catch up to Stiles. They see a fight going on.

Scott: Stiles, what's happening?
Stiles: They went after him. I told 'em what was happening with you, and they just went after him!

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