Chapter 21: Things that needed to happen.

Start from the beginning

She looked outside to see the man of steel standing there looking up at the sun, while his cape flowed like a flag in the wind. Tugging on his leg to get his attention, Superman faced the little girl, dropping to her eye level.

"How are you? I'm sorry for hurting your father."

"No, I am sorry for wanting to hurt you, you were helping papa."

"Apology accepted." He scuffed up her hair a bit, "You remind me of myself a lot when I was younger. Anytime I saw someone hurting my father I was quick to rush in to help him."

"Really, who is your dad? My dad is an amazing Superhero, but don't tell anyone." She placed a finger over her mouth, showing him to keep it quiet.

Zipping his mouth, and tossing away an imaginary key, "I will be sure not to tell anyone, your secret is safe with me."

That when Goten bolted outside, waving the tracker in his hand, his father warning him to be careful as it is extremely fragile. "Come on Superman, we have a dragon ball to find!"

"You go on ahead, I will catch up."

"If you say so." Taking it as an invitation to race, Goten rocketed off, disappearing in the clouds.

Pan, now hearing the stranger's properly repeated his name, "Superman."

"Yeah, that the superhero name my father gave to me, he said no matter what it means to be the better man, and to inspire all to be excellent." The man of steel float off the ground, "Say what's your name?"

"Pan, my name is Pan"

"Well Pan, it was nice to meet you, and I hope we will meet again." He too rockets off much faster than Goten. She was in awe that he too was a superhero just like her father, a warm smile grew on her face, as she wiles the sweat from her brow. Then complained about the heat.

"Pan, come pack your bags for the trip."

It may be heated, but that doesn't stop the chores that would eventually come from moving planets.

Superman caught up with Goten, who was shocked to see that he even caught up so fast. He then shows Superman how the device works and how the t dots are what they are looking for. Of course, he, asked why aren't more devices like this, all the boy did was shrug. They flew to the closest one, which lead back to the camp, so they followed the other stationary one.

"Yeah! What's that one, it moving all over the place!" Superman asked?

Goten then noticed that one of the dots was moving fast, "Huh... it maybe Yamcha. Remember he has the other dragon ball that Krillin had."

"Oh ok." Superman then smiles, "Since I am faster than you, might as well you meet up with Yamcha while I go and get the other one."

"You, faster than me, in your dreams."

"Come on kid, let's not test that one, you and I both know I am faster. I caught up with you seconds ago."

The two bickered so much that they arrived at their location without even noticing.

Goten scoffed "Huh we are here already." He looked around from the height, hoping he gets a glimpse.

"Is it a ball with stars in it?" Superman asked.

"Yeah it is," it dawned on him that he sees it, " Wai how did you-"

Already flying down to the ground, he raced to snatch the ball, reappearing next to Goten.

Tossing it unexpectedly in his hands, Goten fumbled with it for a bit, till it got it under control. The boy admits to himself that Superman was after him, which annoyed him, now he is another person that is faster than him.

"Come on, let's go get this Yamcha."

All Goten did, was nod.

Back at the camp, Vegeta leans against a rock, arms folded as he stands guard to Frieza, whose feet were up on a table while he relaxed.

"Funny Vegeta, you of all people. Standing watch over me." Frieza teased the Saiyan, who paid his words mind. "Of all the things you could be doing with your time, you could have been up there fighting the creature by now, if it wasn't for the stupidity of your friend." He looked at him again to see if he had gotten to him, so he continued, "I wonder if by now you have surpassed Goku? Maybe not considering you have to listen to him, last fine check the strong have to lead?"

Vegeta then snapped "Shut up already. I don't like the sound of your voice."

"Oh seems that one got to you eh? So I take it as a no huh? Poor Vegeta, no longer the ruler, now the follower."

"As if I would follow anyone. Besides, what does it matter, if you are bored you should call your ship and let's get the part over with."

"Oh, why rush it, a win-win for me. Your planets get destroyed along with the rest of the annoying humans."

"Hmmph, win-win? Do you seem to forget that the universe is at stake? Last time you weren't acting like this, so why are you fooling around now?"

"Bleh, foul, you believe that superman, for all we know can be working for Brainiac. Possibly using us as pawns to get what he wants, you trust him Vegeta? Especially with your children's lives? The lives of these people?"

"Stop acting as if you care Frieza. If anything, I believe you he has some shady plan in the works, I trust you would do something like that, the same thing you did with Broly." Vegeta flashes to the beat down at the hands of the beast-like Saiyan, wincing at the memory, hoping that Superman is not in the same fight. "But you are right about this being a waste of time. By now I could have ripped that creature in two."

"That's what I am saying." Frieza added, entertaining Vegeta's train of thought, "We could have easily wiped the floor with that thing, the same way we take on Jiren."

"Yeah..but you want to know something."

Frieza asked grinning "What's that?"

"Well, we could have done all that by now, if you called your dumbass ship already."

Frieza snapped, going on a rant about how he was insulted and wanted to teach them a lesson, Vegeta just stood there blocking out the noise from his head. He then glance at Trunks who was helping people with their stuff.

The planet coming to an end, it reminds him of when he heard of the destruction of his planet. He felt no emotions, no sympathy, even now he isn't bothered at its end. However, he feels something for this world, no, who was birthed here, his pride and joy. If anything, he knows a father must protect their loved ones and so, if he has to put up with this scum to know that both Bulla and Trunks are guaranteed tomorrow, so be it.

"Don't worry Bulma, they are in good hands."

That is when Yamcha appears in front of him.

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