The kitchen was glamorous, a type of kitchen my mother always dreamed of. White marble tiles and cabinets with a combination of beige. It was beautiful and I couldn't help but praise it.

"Your kitchen is wonderful."

"Oh really! I'm glad you like it." She wiggled her brows. "I designed it myself a few years ago."

"It's amazing. I'm sure my mom will faint when she'll see this. She loves aesthetic kitchens."

"Then bring her. I'd love to meet the mother of such an adorable child." I ducked my head as my face heated. "Next time I'm going to invite your parents for dinner, too." She halted and grumbled. "And I pray that time the dinner won't end up like this one."

"I'm sure it just happened in the heat of the moment."

"Andrew and his father have a different point of view about his career." She sighed, putting the dishes in the sink. "His father thinks it'll be wise of him to become a lawyer, but Andrew opposes it."

"What's Andrew planning for himself?" I asked, passing the dishes in my hands.

"Thank you." She beamed, took it from me, then frowned. "That's the problem. Andrew doesn't know what he wants to do. He said he will take a gap year, but his father says it's a waste of his time."

"Why does he hate lawyers?" It was clear how disgusted Andrew looked while talking about it.

"I don't know." She rubbed her head in frustration. "My other son Austin is in Harvard's final year becoming a lawyer, and Andrew thinks his father forced him to become one, which is not true. Austin wanted to follow in his father's footsteps and he loves it. Now he wants Andrew to become one too, but..."

"He doesn't want to, thinking it's something his father wants, not him." I completed it for her, and she nodded.

"If maybe Andrew was sure of what he wants to do, then all of this." She motioned towards the dining table. "Will never happen."

"I'm sure he'll think of something." I smiled. She tried to return but failed.

"I hope so." She sighed, wearing a pink apron. I almost giggle when I read 'I'm a hot chocolate bomb kind of mom' written over it.

"Andrew got this?" I asked, amused.

"You guessed it right." She giggled, running a hand over it. "Andrew got it for mother's day last year. It was a kind of prank and he never thought I'll actually wear it." She winked. "But I secretly love it."

"Andrew is a great guy." I adjusted my glasses, getting nervous, but I had to say it.

"If you minus his player ways." She grimaced.

"You know?" I was surprised.

"You can't hide things here in West Hills." She said, taking cookies out of the oven. "I am very well aware of his dating habit and I've warned him so many times before, he doesn't listen to me but... You've changed him."

"I... Uh..." I stuttered.

"That's it!" She looked at me with her twinkling eyes. "You can help him!"

"Huh?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"You're a genius girl and you've planned everything." She smiled proudly, making me blush. "You can put some senses into my boy's head and tell him to decide something."

"I'm not sure if he'll listen-"

"He admires you, Lillian." She giggled, patting my cheek. "I've seen the longing way he looks at you."

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