Chapter 20: The Destroyer and the Collector

Start from the beginning

"Whis, what is this?"

The angel just shrugged at Beerus, as he too is reaching in the dark.

"I was having fun... But now it's overdoing it." He charged a huge Hakai, lifting it over his head, he launched it as the Ki egg destroying everything present except for the egg itself. "Huh...IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ERASED, WHIS WHAT TO DO?!?!"

"I am not sure Lord Beerus, this is the first time I have ever seen none organic live perform such."

Beerus shouted, "FIRST TIME!?!" His jaw was a gape, not too long ago this thing could only shave his fur, but now it is matching the energy of an angel. Though it wasn't attacking him, he wasn't going to sit around to find out what was going to be birthed from the egg-like structure.

Brainiac along with Bulma was also surprised at the sudden transformation.

"Wow, is that going to be your new body Brainiac?" She asked, excited at the discovery.

He responded with concern, terrified but still inquisitive of his creation. "That's not my doing." He muttered as he stare at it via the screen, he try to connect with it but it didn't work, it was as if it was on another signal entirely, "Again I have created life, how impressive."

Bulma, now realising that her leader has no control over his work, "Wait, you have no control over that? what is it?" He didn't give her an answer, his eyes were glued to the screen, not a moment passed with him not scanning it millions and millions of times over, collecting information on this phenomenon.

The egg became unstable, as it begins to match that of a star. The heat soar to heights unimaginable, burning, melting whatever is present. This shocked Beerus as he felt the sting of the heat, as its radius expanded even further.

" want to play that game huh?" Belarus cracked his neck, and roared, his energy level went up a notch, sending ripples throughout space itself. As light bend around the destroyer, "I will play!" Beerus's body put on a bit of muscle. He flexed his biceps, admiring them, just that action alone was enough to out several stars light-years away.

He raced towards the egg, putting all his might behind the punch. As his title implies, the destroyer did what he does best, and what he does best caused millions who were going about their day, or sleeping at night, to be snuffed out from existence. The space around him became something unusual, as it was like that of negative space, one where there wasn't anything at all.

The Kais felt this force in their realms, mistaking it for two gods of destruction facing off against one another. Those within another universe, felt it as well, as they too fight off the forces of Brainiac. Down in the depths of hell, Cell felt the very realm break, he smirk at the thought of freedom, believing it was one of his mini versions finally cracking hell. On earth, they felt the blow as well, as it is what speeds up the process of its destruction.

Beerus, floated back, as he was being roasted alive but the heat that was coming off from the egg, his hand covered in blood as his skin was blistering from getting too close. That lead him back to the question he asked before, what was this thing?

Nevertheless, he did damage it, just a crack. For the moment, until it split opened, revealing a monster of Brainiac making. With the namekian DNA, the Saiyan DNA, plus the countless others in his database, selecting nothing but the most compatible, and favourable traits, what was birthed, was nothing but the perfect beginning.

It unfolded itself from the fetal position,  as its body showed no sign of metal or hint it was a droid. What stood before Beerus, was a God, one forged from all the knowledge that Brainiac had obtained. Just opening its eyes sent shockwaves that rivalled the big bang itself.

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