Drama and adventures :

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It's 4 am in the morning. At Jeon's residence; a phone starts ringing. Jin stirs in sleep, kicking Jessica's shin in order to wake her up, but ends up getting an even stronger kick back. He wakes up unwillingly, and picks up the phone. Before he can question anything, he hears a worried sounding Namjoon apologize, "I am sorry Mr Jeon for calling this late but I had no other option. We are on our way to your house as we speak. Kindly be up in a few minutes,  I wouldn't have rushed if it was not that urgent."

"Namjoon…I mean Dr Kim, is everything okay?"

This prompts Jess to also sit up. She looks up to Soekjin, trying to read his face. When she gets nothing she tries to listen to the call, by leaning her ear close to the phone from the other side. They hear Namjoon go all shaky, "I don't know what to say Mr Jeon, Tae left the home in the middle of the night and he claims to be with Jungkook. I don't know what's even going on. He was okay when he came back from their meeting, but he got upset when we told him about the visa situation. The last thing we knew was that he ran to his room saying he won't use Jungkook for his benefit, but then Jimin got a call from him a few minutes ago, saying we should go to his room. There was a letter left saying, he is leaving for somewhere with Jungkook and we all should come to your place to know more. We tried Jungkook's number as well but it seems unreachable. I thought they would be with you, but the way you answered the call, I have a feeling that you are as clueless as all of us. Jimin also doesn't have a clue, they are on their way as well. Please see if you have any means to contact Jungkook. I am not even sure if Tae knows how to reach for Jungkook, let alone go with him without telling me. We are on our way, please do something Mr Jeon. I am scared."

When the line went blank, both the Jeons went wide eyed, looking at each other. "Jinnie darling, what the fuck? Do you think they actually eloped?"

"I don't know babe, but if that devil eloped with that angel, only to snatch my chance to rock my tailored suit and killer looks in his wedding; because he thinks I'll steal his spot-light, I am gonna ruin his honeymoon. I am going to play Christmas carols and nursery rhymes right outside their room. And follow them on each of their dates."

"All hail to lord Narcisse!" Jess snorts


On a certain late night plane to Vegas:

The runaway pair is sitting on a 3 seater aisle, and the window seat is already taken as they didn't get a seat preference due to their last minute booking. Also Tae insisted that they don't fly by business class as he doesn't want to waste Kook's money, which Kook really appreciated as he saw it as a sign of Tae's self-respect. So long thing short, they were sitting on a 3 seater aisle of a crowded domestic plane, window seat occupied by some random 'gentlemen' who was eyeing them suspiciously.

The three of them had an equal distance between them, Tae sitting in the middle as he was kind of afraid of plane rides in general. The pair were giving each other short side glances, smiling awkwardly, drawing their eyes back to their laps as the gravity of the situation had finally landed upon them. They were on their way to marry a total stranger, and they were not even weirded by this. Everything felt very natural, came very easy to them. All this while, the 'kind' stranger at the window seat was observing them keenly, then he leaned himself some on Tae's side. Tae shifted a bit in his seat, making himself small. Kook's attention was on the IPad that he had in his hand but through his peripheral  vision he did see the slight movements. He decided to ignore as he thought Tae was just nervous about everything happening so fast. But when he felt Tae completely leaning against him with unease in his body language, he decided to ask him if the other was comfortable. Before he could even utter a word, the 'lovely' man beside Tae spoke,

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