Who's gonna tell them?

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Jimin was dumbstruck when he heard the call being cut. He gasped, "I can't believe that muscle bunny hung upon me!" 

"Baby, Chimi, stop being over-dramatic. You are just angry because the kid gave it back to you. While y'all thought you were being slick, he caught right upon you! I really like that guy! Just chill and let them breathe."

Yoongi was busy wheezing, he missed that Jimin was fuming, hearing this from his own husband.

"Mr Min, I guess it's your cue to stop." Seokjin said while elbowing him. As a lifetime recipient of his spouse's warth he took it upon him to save Yoongi from sleeping on the couch for a week. Yoongi's teasing smile was replaced with a gulp. As he finally saw what the senior Jeon was trying to indicate. He tried to change the subject by praising Hoseok for the casserole he made for their brunch, which tasted yum even when it got cold as they were late, but he can swear he heard Jimin whisper,

'I'll see you once we get back home, husband.' 

So it's safe to say Yoongi spent the rest of the day praying to all the Gods in the universe to make his husband forget the recent conversation. 

At the same time, Jisoo on the other end of the couch was immersed in another worry. Much more grave than Yoongi's. Her father tapped her knee to gain her attention when he saw her drifting. He questioned her just with a flick of chin, to which she whispered back 

"Who's gonna tell 'em?" 

"You said something bubba?"

"Yes dad, Who's gonna tell them?" Jisoo said with a pout.

"Tell whom, what Soo?" Hobi asked.

"To the ones whom we have arranged to get married! Who's gonna tell them that they have less than a week to get prepared for the wedding, huh?" 

"Oh!", everyone else gasped collectively. 


On the other part of the city, the newly matched couple was done with their brunch and getting back in their car. They both were  much calmer than they first got here. Their inhibitions and insecurities were all out in the open. But still none of them felt vulnerable. It was new for them. They sat in the car, but before Jungkook could start the engine, Taehyung called for him, 

"Jungkook, can I… can I tell you something?"

His voice just above a whisper, but in the confinement of the car, Kook heard him clearly. He kind of flinched actually. Tae uttered a quick sorry, and Kook just shook his head and said,

"Sure, what is it?"

"It's kind of weird, I am sorry, don't think I am weird though, okay? Actually, it's the first time I spoke to a stranger, you know? I mean my appa says, I wouldn't even ask for water to someone I am not known to, even if I was dying of thirst. It's just that difficult for me. You know, I am like Ruppunzel, that Disney princess who was confined all her life in a far away tower and didn't trust anyone except that evil witch that pretended to be her mother. Except for the fact I don't have any evil witch in my life," Tae giggled at his own joke. You know, generally Kook would have snapped at anyone who speaks anything remotely deviant from the subject. But with Tae he felt endeared, entertained. So he nudged Taehyung to continue, "yeah  so I was saying, today I don't know how I spoke so freely with you. I don't know how I was so comfortable? How I could tell you the things I couldn't tell anyone except for dad and Chim. I kind of feel that it's all just in my head, you know the way I spoke to you. It's like a daydream, do you get what I am saying? Like I have this habit of playing different scenarios in my head before I do something big or important. And our date today feels like one of them, one the most hopeful daydreams. Huh, you must feel I am crazy right? I am sorry for being so stupid, I must have bored you to death."

Kook chuckled, sighing he said, "Why do you keep saying sorry Taehyung? Even when you haven't done anything wrong? And no, you aren't stupid. It's the same for me you know. Not the disney part of course, but the one where I am questioning myself, how could I talk so openly with you? And not just openly, I talked SO much. I never talk this much, not even with people I know for years. It just seems different with you. Maybe it's because our parents, the people we trust the most, believe that we are a good match for each other, that we could stay by each other for a lifetime. Or maybe because we resonate with each other's past. We both don't trust many people, both of us are kind of loners, so that's maybe why we feel less judged around each other?"

"Mhm, Maybe!" Tae said hopefully. 

"So let's go, yeah? And also, what do we tell the whole circus waiting for us at your place?" Kook asked jokingly. 

"Hey, don't say that, they are our family!" Tae said whining, smacking Kook's arm, but then he regretted it instantly. He lowered his head ashamed of what he did. And started saying a series of 'sorry's, pressing his hands tightly between his knees, making himself small. This shocked Kook, he was baffled by the thought, 'how badly Tae must have been  bullied in the past?' that he was even afraid of being even a little playful. He was not sure from where this ability came to him, but he moved himself to face Tae. Putting his hand over his shoulder he turned Tae's face towards him. "Hey, easy there'" he said with the most gentle voice he ever might have used. "Look at me Tae, just look at me, yeah? You want to take this further right, this proposal? At least that's what I felt you wanted, tell me if I read it all wrong." Kook waits for the other to answer. 

"No…Yes… I mean you didn't read it wrong. I am okay going forward. Yes. Do you? Do you also want the same Jungkook?" anticipation laced in his voice.

"If you couldn't already tell, then yes, I am okay moving forward with you Taehyung. Surprisingly there is no hesitation in this decision. Also, I meant everything I said at your place. I want to care for you, respect and protect you as much as I can. But it kind of makes me feel bad when you act this scared even when you are just being a little fun, and nothing else." 

He saw Tae still looking down, not matching his eyes.

"There is something I am gonna tell you and then I am gonna ask you if you would like that or not. You have to be very, very honest and clear when you answer me,  okay?" 

Tae nodded looking up hesitantly. So with that cue, Kook continued, "Though I have never been with someone, I have always seen my mom and dad being around each other, they are so full of love and light. I know the level of comfort between them is because they have been with each other since they were four. Met in preschool and stuck together. Can you believe they have known each other for 50 years now? They fight, make up, laugh, and joke around. Those are the goals for me Taehyung. Something I would like to experience. So when they asked me to think about marriage, that's how I imagined it to be. I may behave all cold and heartless outside, at work, but when at home, I don't want to change that vibe of our family. You might have read it in my profile that I want to stay with my family even after marriage, right? So if you are comfortable doing that, I also would like you to be as honest, as open, and just  as natural, as we three are. Not being scared to speak your mind off, nor hesitant to have a fight with any of us. We all have a very close bond, I would like you to also have the same with us. Would you like that?"

"Mhm, I would love that." Tae chidded!

"Great then, no more apologizing for being yourself or for being playful, okay?"

Tae smiled the brightest and nodded enthusiastically.

And with that they drove back, not knowing about the chaos that was waiting for them.

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