Circus and Clowns

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Kook never felt so excited to go back home. Not that he didn't love to be with his family, but a business trip always was a breath of fresh air from his usual monotonous life. But today he was buzzing with excitement to fly back home. He and his pout prince were chatting past midnight. They even had a hushed video call once Mr Shorty went to bed. Tae did have to wear his headphones and run into the restroom to take that call. But it was all worth it. He also might have done his hair a little or applied a little chapstick before taking the call, but Kook doesn't have to know that right? But again it was all worth it, as Kook couldn't stop staring at him. Well it had nothing to do with the hairdo or chapstick, but who's gonna tell this to Tae now? Well he also was staring right back at Kook, but again, it had nothing to do with the way Kook biting his lip ring or arching his brows.

They slept around an hour or two before dawn at Kook's side, because he had a breakfast scheduled. Tae did manage to sleep till a little late as he didn't want to do the exercise without Kook. (He is not lazy like the author, trust him.) But when he woke up, his best friend was already gone home, leaving a text on his phone, 

《 If you get time to check this text, just know I went home, as I needed to go to work. Might see you tonight. Bye. 》

Weird, right? 'No exclamations, no kissy emojis, maybe his migraine got worse', Tae thought. When he got out of the room, his whole house was empty. Everyone was back to work. And he was bored to death! Huh, he needed to do something about his time or he would become like those sour people who have nothing else to do but point out all the flaws in other people's lives. Ugh, why does this sound so familiar?

Anyway, he kept chatting with Kook here and there whenever they found some free time. Once Kook was done with his part of the meeting, he headed back to home alone as both the Wilsons assured him that they could manage the rest on their own, just fine. That's the first time they saw Kook offering them a genuine, warm smile. Not the corporate one, he had masters in the last 8 years they had worked together.

Meanwhile in the crazy part of the taekook land, all 4 members were making a vague conversation only about how they would meet and confront the 'culprit' once Jungkook is back, as there was no point in moping around. Due to their lack of willingness to talk about this uncomfortable issue, they kept adding to the lack of clarity. And both of the parties kept thinking, it was their kid, who messed up. And the guilt kept making them avoid a clear conversation with the rest of the family. While the sane members of the taekook world were in the dark, thinking the family meet that had been called on this evening was due to another 'crazy' plan to push the already close kids together. 

While the couple in focus was making a plan to make up for their lost time together. So as soon as Kook landed he wanted to run home, but to his surprise his beautiful husband was already waiting for him at the airport. Mike being the cupid, he was in charge of this transport. He secretly was able to catch the glimpse of tight hugs and desperate pecks the couple shared before settling in the back seat of the car. He could see in the rear view mirror, the shy glances and secret touches they shared; not knowing that Mike was well aware of their progress. 

And when they reached home, they were surprised to see the Jung's and Min's cars parked in their yard. They both made their entrance less dramatic as possible but were shocked themselves as their normally chaotic family was engulfed in silence. Kook couldn't help but joke at the way everyone looked,

"Who died?" He asked but was instantly met with an angry gaze of his parents. He knew something was wrong, so his hand automatically reached for his partner, knowing how vulnerable he becomes in times like this. "Have a seat," Jin said, in a tone that even Kook was not very familiar with his whole life. So he sat down, with Tae on his side, clutching his arm.

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