The Test

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TW. Internalised homophobia, manipulation, hurtful, hateful words.

When Tae entered the house he saw Jisung looming around like a hyena.
"Hey Kim!" He said, which Tae tried to ignore. But then he couldn't just walk away as he was a 'good host' so he nodded curtly. 

"Nice thing you have got going here. But I thought you just married him for business or your visa. How did it turn out to be like this? Or is all this a pretense? To fool his grandpa? I mean even if it's not, I don't blame Jungkook, he would love to tap that ass you have. If I wasn't 'normal', I would have done the same. But why are you allowing him to be close to you, I thought you loved me. You even stayed single for me all these years. Then why him? Why now? You could just keep it professional. Why are you letting him touch you? Huh? He is rude, cold, and practical. He will not think twice before leaving you once these 2 years end. He is cunning that way. Better you leave him now. Don't get yourself hurt in Jeon's family feud."

"Jisung-ssi, I think you are mistaken about a lot of things, everything to be precise. Firstly, you have no business asking me about the personal life me and Jungkookie share. We are husbands, we like to keep our lives private. Second, why do you even know about my visa issues? Are you spying on me? That's crazy, you know? I also want you to clear this misconception from your mind. Know that, I didn't stay single because I loved you, I stayed single because of the trauma you gave me. The humiliation, bullying, harassment was just too much for me. I couldn't even trust someone else for years. So I assure you, I NEVER loved you. Yes, I did like you, but that was 12 years ago. I was just a naive teenager. It was just some fascination and I paid dearly for that. Thanks to that, I am a grown man now. And don't you dare tell me what I should do or what I shouldn't. I'll choose my 'cold, rude, practical' Jungkookie over anyone in the world. We promised each other a lifetime. 
You don't need to worry about me. Anyway, no one can hurt me the way you did, in the past. In fact, Jungkookie is making me strong now, so I can fight the whole world on my own, that includes you too. So it would be better if you keep your nose away from my family business. Now if you excuse me, I have guests to attend." Tae said it as confidently as possible, trying his best to not let the shaking in his hands reflect in his voice and stopping the tears from gathering in his eyes.

"You will regret this Kim…" Jisung gritted with frustration. 

But a loud roar startled them,
"I bet you would regret it more Jisung-ssi if you don't stop addressing my son so rudely. I don't want Kookie to send you back home in pieces. He doesn't take it well when people talk rudely with his husband. It's only recently he sued a fellow passenger on the plane, for using bad words towards our Taebaby. Also, I am having a hard time controlling Mike here, from throwing you out of the house. He hates it when someone troubles his Taebubba." Jin points towards Mike, who is keeping a close watch on them from a hallway nearby, expressions visibly hardened. 

"I am a very peaceful man Jisung-ssi, but my family? Not so much. Especially my wife. She takes after her father, the least to say. So please save yourself from troubles and stay away from our angel." He concluded. The panicked Jisung scattered away in a hurry, like a criminal from a crime scene.

Once he is gone Jin turns to look at Tae who is on the verge of crying. He hugs the shaken boy gently patting his head. 

"Taebear, hey, shhh. Don't cry. Your Kookie would kill me if he comes to know I let you cry on my watch. So please save your old dad from some beating." Jin said, trying to make the baby in his arms laugh a little, which he succeeded in. 

"I am sorry dad, I am a cry baby." Tae says, chuckling, wiping his tears.

"You are our baby for sure. But why are you crying sweetie? You did so well. Gave him a good comeback. Are you worried about what he said about bun leaving you? I hope you know he is just trying to break you both apart. If you cannot already tell, his dad is very greedy for the business. He didn't think Kookie would ever get married. So you coming along is hurting their business plans. And as far as I could judge, this Jisung also seems to be just as greedy as his dad. He is not able to bear that you and Kook are happy together. You should know Kookie adores you so much. He wouldn't even bear to let you go away for a day, forget about leaving you forever. And you know we all love you, right?" Jin asks gently.

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