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Kook was trying to reason with the brunette, who was on his tail for going to the supermarket.

"I told you, you don't need to come with me, baby. Your pretty bum must be hurting, try giving it some rest. And even if you want to come, I didn't bring the car here. Sitting on a sports bike would hurt like …"

But brunette shushed him with with his index finger on his lips and said,

"Shh Kookie, don't curse. And I have pretty good reasons, you know? One, my bum doesn't hurt that bad, you were very careful. Two, I don't want to be alone here, I'll miss you so much if I stay. And three, I need to buy a few things too. So I am coming with you. Plus I want to ride a bike with you!" Tae said excitedly, while clinging to Kook's tattooed arm, who was walking towards the door. Hearing this Kook turned on his heels, wrapping the other in his arms, he asked,

"Why don't you ride the bike owner instead?" 

"Ugh… you're so crude. But sorry, not right now, maybe later tonight. Right now I want to go to the supermarket. I have things to buy!" 

"Things? Something from the wellness aisle, huh?" Kook teased again.

"No, from the bath section, you perv. I need some candles and bathing salts. I deserve a royal bath after the hard work I put in while at the camp! Also, we have to hurry now. Ms Desree called, you have a conference call in 3 hours. So let's gooooo…" Tae hurried his husband. 

"Okay fine. But you have to wear the riding gear and hold onto me tight, okay? I have some spare gears stored in this garage. And …" Before Kook could finish his warning, the doorbell rang. 

"Okay, You go check the door, I'll get my bag from inside." Tae ran away after pecking his husband on his cheek. Kook smiled wholeheartedly at that and went to the door. 

'Again who could it be? Maybe dad sent the housekeeping staff.' He shrugged. 

But when he opened the door, there stood a well dressed, kind of familiar figure with a bouquet of flowers in hand. 

"How may I help you?" Kook asked curtly.

"Jeon Jungkook? Right?" The person asked nervously. 

"Yes. But who's asking?" He questioned skeptically.

"Oh you look much more handsome in-person, pictures don’t do you Justice Kook. Uhhh… well… Hello… You might not remember me. It's been years actually. I… I am Sungho. Choi Sungho, Choi Soonmi's son. We used to live with you guys, I mean my mom used to be your nanny…." The person said.

"Why are you here hyung? After all these years?" Kook questioned shakily, cutting the other mid sentence. Years worth of pleasant, unpleasant memories flooding his mind. 

"You remember me Kookie?" Sungho asked with disbelief.

"Oh you both didn't leave me any choice, did you? I couldn't forget you even when I really wanted to. I really needed to. The things you both made me go through were definitely very much unforgettable. But why are you here? Why now?" Kook questioned. 

'Now, when I finally thought I could move past that trauma you caused…', he wanted to add. But he didn't, because he didn't want Sungho to see his vulnerability. Not now, when Kook  had someone in his life who would be equally affected if this conversation escalated.

" I wasn’t even sure if you people still lived here, but glad I tried my luck. Can I come in? " Sungho pleaded. 

"I don't think so. Kindly tell me here, what do you want?" Kook stated, with frustration. 

'There is someone I love, inside. I don't want them to see or hear you. I don't want you to be near them.' He uttered mentally. 

"I believe you remember everything, and I get why you would not be willing to talk. But trust me Kookie, I wouldn't have come if it wasn't needed." Sungho tried explaining. 

You and Me | TaekookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon