Puzzles and Riddles

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In a lavish hotel in Vegas:

The famously eloped couple enters their room, which has an aesthetically pleasant living area and a soothing sleeping space. Tae instantly relaxes after seeing the twin beds, having a meter of distance between them. They only had two or three hours to rest before they needed to start their preparations. (Meh, the wedding ones! Not the ones you thirsty horses here are anticipating). So he wanted to sleep without worrying about being uncomfortable himself or making the other one the same. He knew soon he would be spending much of his time in the same room as Kook. But he was happy that the so-called cold and heartless businessman Jeon was very understanding and accommodating in real life, of his emotional needs.

They dropped their luggage on the chairs and immediately took their respective beds, too tired to even freshen up. They had a long day after all. They lie on the bed, facing the ceiling. Tae is first to break the silence.

"Jungkookie, will you believe me if I tell you, I ran away to the most dubious city in the world, with a stranger who I met less than 24 hours ago?" 

To which Kook responds, 

"Only if you believe me when I say, I am marrying a stranger who is crazy enough to run away to the most dubious city in the world, with a stranger he met less than 24 hours ago!"

They both turn to their sides facing each other and then…


They both burst into the fits of laughter! And when they calm down, Tae asks again,

"Can't believe we actually did this! Do you think they will be able to solve the riddles?"

"If they are smart enough to plan and plot, to trick us, then it's definitely easy for them!" Kook snorts.


Meanwhile in Jeon's residence they all are checking the instructions sent to Hobi's phone. It repeats a few of the same one, like 'keep your schedule clear for 2 days, and carry your best attire and documents' etc. But then it also had a riddle,

' Let's make it a little interesting. Solve this to get the clue for our location and directions:

《You all played a gamble in arranged marriage's name,

Find us in the city where 1000s lose the fortune game》'

They all are a bit jumbled, sleep deprived and a bit pressured. After a 5 min long discussion on nothing productive, Yoongi suddenly says, "Doesn't Vegas have the drive through weddings, where people despite having any gender can get married, without any hiccup? It's also the biggest gambling hub in the world, right?"

"Oh my god, Yoonie, you are so smart! Thank God! I married the right guy !" Jimin celebrates.

"It's not that difficult. Don't hype this moron, he already thinks so highly of himself. Anyone with a pea sized brain could solve it." Commented Jisoo.

"Oh yeah Ji? Then why didn't you solve it lady 'pea-brain'?" Yoongi attacked.

"Can you both stop acting like kids and keep your little cousin rivalry away until we find my Taebear?" Senior Kim scolded them.

Seokjin, in the meanwhile, busy with his phone, commented, "I texted that on our family GC. Waiting for the reply now."


He gets the reply instantly, in the form of voice message.

[ "That was quick, I am sure that someone from Kim's side solved it. You both are too old to process that fast anyway, dinosaurs! Okay, I'll give it to you. My secretary will drop by 8am sharp, rest well till then, she will drop your plane tickets and another clue. Till then rest. We don't get married until later today. Toodoos!" ]

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