No Signal

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The night fell and Kook was still waiting for a single text from his husband. It was hours since he got the last text and his patience was wearing off. He was getting both worried and desperate. He could message first but he didn't want to seem pushy given their earlier intimate encounter had pushed Tae a bit backwards. But right then his phone chimed with a tone which belonged to his beloved pout prince. He jumped right to it, opening the much awaited message. For some unknown reason his brain was buzzing with excitement. It might be the prolonged wait or eagerness he felt towards his love. With adrenaline flowing through his veins, he opened it. 

BunBun🐰: TAE… COME BACK HERE… I love you more!😘

Babybear 🐻: Hey bunbun, I am here…

BunBun🐰: TAE… finally! You are here…

Babybear 🐻: I am sorry, I didnt have any network on the trail we went today. But now I am all yours. Appa and noona are both fast asleep…

BunBun🐰: So you mean, You are all alone?

Babybear 🐻: Not alone, we all are still sharing the tent. But I don't think they will wake up till it's morning, yk? Appa got tired of the walk and noona is all drained due to the sun out there. Thanks to your training I was the only one who completed the trail and did not wear out.  😁😁😁

BunBun🐰: Good job my pretty baby!

Babybear 🐻: Thank you Kookie!😊😊😊

BunBun🐰: So it's safe to say no one will disturb us now?

Babybear 🐻: Mhm!

BunBun🐰: Good then, I was thinking we could do something. 

Babybear 🐻: Something like? 🙄

BunBun🐰:Like I could tell you what I plan to do once you are back, and you can also do the same yk? 😉

Babybear 🐻: Are you taking me on a date? Like last time? On the beach! Omg Kookie, I really wanted to go back there! We could even have a picnic there. Whoa, we can even take mom and dad with us! They would love it!

BunBun🐰: 🤦‍♂️

Babybear 🐻: Hey? Why? What? What did I say? 😦

BunBun🐰: Tae, I meant sexting.

Babybear 🐻: What????



BunBun🐰: Ok. If you don't want to, it's ok. I just wanted us to try. Let's leave it if you are uncomfortable…

Babybear 🐻: What? No!

I didn't mean that…

I was…

I was just a bit shy…

Coz I don't know anything about it.

BunBun🐰: Oh! Ok. So basically sexting is… like you text but you text about doing things, yk? I don't know how to explain…

Babybear 🐻: oh no no… I know what it means… but I don't know how!

BunBun🐰: oh… right! As if I am a professional! Haha

Babybear 🐻: People do that professionally? Weird!

BunBun🐰: What? NO! I mean people don't do that professionally, I mean they do… but I don't.

Babybear 🐻: Of course you don't. I know what you work at, Kookie….

BunBun🐰: Tae… my innocent little bean! I meant I don't know any better than you. But I wanna try. Like we both missed out on all those college romances and thrills, so I was just curious. But it's okay if you are not into it.

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