The Rainbows

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So Jungkoòk's argument with his 'oh-so-modern' parents ended up with him furiously apologizing to his mom-dad (as it ends in every typical asian household) and agreeing with him enrolling his name in the Special matchmaking bureau for Queers, which by the way its name 'clearly' indicates; 'Q for Qupid'. 

Which still was a very absurd idea for kook as he was not at all looking for any sort of partner. Well,  though his dad stated nothing but the absolute truth that Kook was young, talented, successful, and desirable in every way, he never had a partner. 

CW: Mentions Past trauma and homophobia

Well he had his own reasons. He came out as gay while in his high-school, and his parents made sure he got all the support and care he needed. He had some crushes here and there but nothing serious ever happened, as you can say that the school was not a very kind experience for him. As a few of the people started distancing themselves from him since he came out, a few stayed supportive and a few didn't bother at all, but then there were those few who went out of their way to make his life a living hell. He was bullied, tortured and humiliated but he stayed strong throughout of it.

But then something happened which made him question everything and everyone except his parents and since then he has always been alone. He buried the need of having someone beside him after that, he didn't even want friends. The only friends he had were his parents and that's how they got so close to each other.

Unfortunately today his so-called friends were in their full parental glory, they almost dragged Kook to the agency on a Friday evening and he couldn't do anything about it. He was tired by the week full of overwork and he finally thought he could get some rest done as he had a long weekend on his hands. But boy, he was wrong. His parents had other plans and the mad glint in their eyes was scaring the living daylight out of him.

The visit to the agency was even weirder than he thought as once they reached there, he was blown away by the exteriors of it. It was a stand alone building surrounded by a beautiful fairy garden but what caught his eyes was the decor on the building. It looked like somebody ate a hell lot of rainbow sprinkles and puked on it. It was a literal epitome of the term rainbows and unicorns, except for the unicorns there were cupids, with rainbow wings and all sorts of flirty expressions. And it was lit with all the different colors human eyes could possibly manage to see. It cringed him but he wanted to avoid the emotional torture his parents could bestow upon him. They promised to hold off if he at least gave it a try. So here he was. With dread he entered the building and the interior was nothing like he thought it would be. It was plain and subtle like any other corporate agency would have. But he hardly had time to process it. As he was distracted by a chirpy, high pitched greeting and a gruff that sounded something like 'hello'.

Well they were the owners of the agency and had a long well prepared speech to give about how they ended up building the facility up. Just like the Jeons they were too South Korean immigrants settled in the US. While his parents shifted to the US to have better prospects of life when Kook was just 2 years old, 'the Qupid Mins' (Min Yoongi and Min Jimin) shifted there to be accepted for who they were. They were best friends turned into beaus. Both of them gravitated around each other as they were going through the same situation and finally ended up in LA to be free from the demons of society. They found their peace in each other in the foreign land but also knew that not everyone was as lucky as them. Hence came the agency. Both of them had careers apart from the agency but as the agency picked up they devoted all their time to it.
And before Kook could wonder, the owners themselves started explaining the drastic difference in the interior and exterior, according to them the outrageous exterior worked as a barrier for those who were just going there to make fun of them and the trouble causing homophobes. As they stood there, all proud, no one generally dared to visit them with an ulterior motive. And the internal subtle decor told people that they meant business. So only people who were seriously looking for a partner stayed. They talked about their thorough process of matchmaking and how they didn't just register anyone with the intentions to experiment or who just wanted to casually hook up. They wanted people to find their forever and thus even the families/friends could be part of the matchmaking process. Which Kook thought was very sensible.

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