Chapter 17: Work with us

Start from the beginning

The two throw insults at one another, and when Goku stopped them, "we don't have time for this. Frieza we will give you the dragon balls after you give us a ship and help us stop brain guy."

Superman, correcting the Saiyan "Brainiac."

"What he said."

Just then Krillin and Tien arrived,  there was an air of distrust, especially animosity between Krillin and Frieza. The short man was ready to lunge at him, but he know very well that would be counterproductive. That was when he noticed Superman's bright blue suit, red cape and his symbol on his chest.

"Who is this guy?" Tien asked.

Goku answered, "He is Superman, he says he is from another earth."

"Another earth? There are two piles of the earth?" Krillin quizzed.

"There is a lot of earth," the man of steel responded, "but each in its universe."

"Enough of this." Frieza said, cutting the introduction short, "I want this brainiac stopped, as soon as possible, so when are we going to do so."

"Not until everyone on earth is safe on your ship, Frieza," Superman sit him back down on his chair, which was uncomfortable for him due to his tail, "We need that ship, now."

"Or what Superman, going to kill me." Frieza mocked, "Last time I checked I am a valuable asset, both in taking down your foe as well as saving these worms. Now yes I do have multiple ships that can carry the number of people, heck triple so. However, I want the dragon balls first."

Vegeta started again, running his mouth and berating Frieza, who return in kind. Soon Krillin jumped in making it a two-on-one mouth-off.

"Quiet!" Shouted the man of steel, "Now I know how my father felt every time Damian and bickered. How about this Frieza, you can have the dragon balls remaining on earth, but the rest you have to get from Brainiac after you defeat him. Sounds good?"

"What, are you insane?!" Vegeta said, lashing out at the man of steel, "Who side are you-"

"Deal!" Frieza said, his arms folded and his smugness persists, "I will have my ship here as so as I receive one dragon ball."

Krillin hesitate to admit that he has one on him, maybe he already sensed and that's why he is making that call. He thought of his wife and child, along with his friends' families as well. Can't waste time on a grudge, so he dropped his bag on the table.

"There is one in the bag. I found it and was bringing it for Bulma," he begin to sob, "Anything to get her back and to save everyone."

Frieza snatched the bag, "Well then it will contact my------ what is this?" His tone whiplashed, he emptied the bag all it had was senzu beans.

"Hey, we are going to need those!" Goku said as he pick some off the floor.

Frieza fling the bag to the ground, he then folded his arms, lifting his nose in disgust, "You take me for a fool runt, well now we wait till I get two dragon balls, better yet bring me all three."

"Frieza is reasonable," Superman said.

"I was reasonable, I asked for one, but he gave me a bag of seeds. So now I want all that remains."

Vegeta snarled "Why you ungrateful-"

Waving his finger, Frieza folded his legs and lean back, "Hit me and I just might not bring any ship at all. Seeing how emotional your friend just got, I am sure you don't want your loved ones to die on this rock. If you do I will personally enjoy the show."

Vegeta looked at Krillin, "Where is the dragon ball."

"It was in my bag, Yamcha maybe took it, he said he wants senzu beans for something."

"What for!? Where is he?"

"I don't know he looked banged up, I tried following him but he was too fast."

Goku then springs up, "Ok I will go to where Yamcha is, the rest of you have to look for the dragon balls."

Vegeta asked with concern "What, are we seriously going to obey his commands?"

Just then Goten came in, "Wow it's getting hotter by the minute, I got the capsules and look what Satan gave me." The boy held in his hand a dragon ball, Vegeta lifted the boy congratulating him for his timing. He was confused and wasn't used to being complimented by Vegeta of all people.

"Well done Goten." Goku said, checking the capsules in the bag, "Say we don't have to leave people on the ship, we can drop them off on a planet, right Superman?"

"Yeah, you have one that is suitable for humans."

"Yes it is, plus I have some friends there that can help us with Brain guy."

Superman smiled when he heard that line, but he turn his attention towards Frieza, convincing him to get the word out to the ship. Goten looked at the oddly dressed man, there was something off about his Ki that he couldn't shake off, it felt, welcoming, pure, the truest form of good.

"I want all three now Superman, you can't change my mind."

Pressing his index and thumb on his nose ridge, he sighed, "Where is Batman when you need him?"

"Don't worry Superman, we have one, and we know where the other one is likely to be." Goku said, reassuring the man of steel, "now come one leg find the last dragon ball."

"How are we finding it without the tracker?" Asked Vegeta.

"I have an old one back home, Goten go and get the old tracker."

"You sure that still working Dad, I saw Pan and Bulla used it that one time."

"Oh well, take Superman with you, Gohan would be stoke to see another superhero."

Scratching the back of his head, Superman "I wouldn't mind."

"Wait, we don't have to split up," Goku grabbed his son's head and placed Superman's hand on his shoulder, "Hey Krillin, give Jaco a senzu bean." With that said he teleported away to where Chichi, Videl and Pan were residing, little did he know

Yam ha arrived at a Yajirobe's place, landing there, he check the bag to see a Dragon Ball, this pissed him off, knowing what pain his friend must be in. He then notice the door wide open, so he crept toward it, Yajirobe sat there with ice on his forehead.

Yamcha, furious at his laziness, or worse yet, is on in the same spot he left Gohan. So he asked what the half Saiyan were about.

"I don't know." Yajirobe answered, "He just got up, open the door and disappeared."

Yamcha scolded him for not following him, so he too disappear in search of Gohan, who appeared in front of his mother's house, still wrapped up in bandages. He stared at the door, fighting his body to overcome the pain to knock, the only thing that forced his body to move was the sight of his daughter. But at that moment to door cracked open, the little girl was standing before her father, she looked up and the shrivelled figure, from the angle or was a monster than stood before her, she was as white as snow. Her eyes widen as she screamed for her mother, believing that one of the robots from the news is at the front door.

Her mother came running, and his mother as well, the two women took a stance, readying themselves to fight. This pleased Gohan to see that they are alright, that all that mattered now, he tried using his voice, but all that came out was a cough, so he tried again, a word that would take them off guard, but his strength was no more, just standing caused him so much pain, so he coughed ""

Videl understood what was sent and rushed to catch the falling husk, "Gohan, is that you?" she asked, tears streaming down her cheeks and falling on the bandages, soon Chichi and Pan come to his aid, but he showed no sign of life, maybe the occasional rise of his chest, but nothing more.

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