05: You need to make a choice.

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As the president of the villainous guild, Wu Yu Tao has the most treasures and most delighted Jian Chi, but Wu Yu Tao himself is so distressed that it seems to be dripping blood, his eyes are red as he watches Jian Chi move all the treasures belonging to him into the shield, Wu Yu Tao reaches out and covers his chest, his temples bulge, quite a kind of vivid feeling of exploding in place.

The guild members have quietly squeezed over beside them, each of them is quite distressed by the tragic picture, but they dare not do anything because of the weird and heavy attack just now.

"Brother Wu, why don't we withdraw first?"

"Yes, yes, yes, stay in the green hills not to worry about burning wood."

"I still have some treasures at home, it's okay, we can rise again from the east."

A dozen heads huddled together will be very low, the surrounding environment is open, and from time to time there is a strong wind mixed with yellow sand blowing through, easily blowing away the small voice of the conversation. However, the crowd unexpectedly noticed that Wu Yu Tao's expression became more and more fierce, full of confusion to follow Wu Yu Tao's gaze turned to look, a dozen faces instantly stiffened -

The beautiful face of the youth is close at hand, he leaned down with his hands behind his back, it seems, narrow eyes with a deep dark and blue faintly intertwined, but after noticing their eyes suddenly raised a smile, voice increasingly gentle: "Everyone still has to home baby.

"Everyone still want to fetch me the treasures of the house? Then I am really grateful to everyone."

The crowd sucked in a breath of cold air, and their legs stomped on the ground as they backed up with their open feet, and the yellow soil under their feet flew, blowing and confusing Wu Yutao's eyes, and gluing his face.

Jian Chi from nowhere pulled out a pen and a small book, mouth holding a pen cap in this book writing: "everyone to their names and home addresses are reported, I have a lot of time, when the time to pick up on the line, you do not need special delivery."

Wicked Guild: "......"

You put it aside here to pick up takeaway!

A person topped with a burst of fear surging up behind, will pores wide open sweat hair a root erect arms trembling back to hide, the voice stumbled: "Home address is privacy ...... me, I am willing to send over."

"Yes, yes, you wait here on the line, we go back and immediately send it to you."

This proposal was approved by most of the people in the evil guild, they vaguely perceived that the most stupid thing they did in this life was to hit on the idea of frying striped fish, but the mistake has been made, absolutely no more private address to tell the frying striped fish -

In case the frying fish grabbed their mouths to death, the problem would be huge!

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