"Oh cool." I picked up the detailed receipt and calculated my part. "I'll pay one GST as well."

"No, you don't have to. This is on me."


"Just because."

"Ohkay... I'll buy you something else."

"No really. Just let it be. Think of this as an apology for being one of the people to push you to marry my brother."

Damn it, this would be a better apology gift. But then again, Ritwik preferred to eat healthy and clean unlike me. He probably wouldn't appreciate the pizza as much.

We talked until we recieved our orders and I wolfed it down because well, pizza. Surya finished his food a couple minutes after me. We talked some more about random things regarding the company. After spending about two and a half hours in the mall, we decided to go back to the HQ.

"You don't have to go back if you don't want to."

"I know. I want to."

"You know he wouldn't blame yo-"

"I know. But I want to go back. It's not fair to Molly or him."

That shut him up for the 45 minutes drive to the HQ.

We arrived just in time for lunch. I ignored the looks I got inside the elevator as I made my way upto my boss' office. It was clear something had happened after I left but I couldn't be bothered to find out. On my way, I bumped into Neha who glared at me like I had killed her first born and then scurried away.

I walked up to his office running through all the ways I could plead my case and not have to follow through with what I had just said. I really didn't want to quit this job.

As soon as I entered, I was pulled into a hug and pinned against the door.

"You better apologise to me." He whispered in my ear.

Being the awkward person I am, my hands stayed glued to my side. "Of course. I'm really sorry for just storming out like that. I shouldn't have done that. It was extremely disrespectful."

He pulled back and looked at me. "What? No. I'm not talking about that. I understand why you would do that. Why didn't you to go a doctor? Joy told me you didn't go even after our call."

I rolled my eyes. "It's not that bad, you worry wart. It'll just blister a little. I've had worse accidents."

"You should have still gotten it checked."

"Nah. But if not that, what were you talking about?"

He wrapped his arms around me again and burried his face in my shoulder. "You didn't tell me I was meeting Meera Paul."

"What? Your ex? You were supposed to have a meeting with Rajdeep Pa- They're related, aren't they?"


"I'm really sorry. I had no clue." I wrapped my fingers in his hair and began to massage his head.

"Mm. Saying sorry isn't enough." He locked the door and tapped my thigh. I wrapped my legs around his hips and he walked me up to his desk and sat me on it then pulled back to stare at me. I held his gaze. We stayed like that for a couple seconds. It felt unnecessarily intimate.

"Well, I do have an apology gift for you."

He raised an eyebrow. I pulled out the bouquet from my bag and held it up to him. Surprisingly, the bouquet wasn't crushed. I guess that's one of the pros of buying artificial flowers.

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