Chapter 47

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"Here you go, ahjussi. ₩8 for the ride."

I climbed out of the car and sighed, trudging my way to the front gate of our house. It was tiring to be outside and in the sunlight after being in a dark room in the house for a long period of time.

I swung open the gate and slowly walked to the front door. After inserting the passcode, I opened the door and took off my boots.

I slid open the sliding door that opened to the rest of the house.

As soon as I took one step into the living room, I saw someone run and jump into my arms.


"Yumi!" my mother called. "Where did you go? Are you alright? Why did you leave without any notice? Your room door was open and..." she stopped babbling as she saw me raise my hand as a signal to calm down.

Now it was my friend's turn to start babbling. "Are you okay? How have you been? Oh my god, it has been so long, Yumi!" She finally broke out of the hug.

"Okay, but for real." My unnie walked over to my side and lightly tapped the side of my head, "Where did you go?"

"To the agency... I had some things to take care of." I thought for a moment, "But what are you guys all doing here?" I turned to my sister, "Aren't you supposed to be at work? And Seolhyun," I turned to her, "Shouldn't you be practicing at the rink?"

"Exactly," a deep voice that belonged to none of the women in front of me cut in. "So tell someone what you're doing or where you're going so you don't give someone a heart attack."

I turned to the sofa to see the back of someone's head, preferably, someone male.

"But aside from that..." He turned around, "You good?"



"So how are you?" Minjun followed me into my room, closing the door after him.

"Aren't you supposed to be with your fellow FLICKER members?" I asked, setting my bag down at my bed. "Don't you have schedules to take care of?"

He shook his head as he freely set himself on my bed. "It's our vacation week."

"I thought your guys' comeback is... Nevermind." I walked over to my desk and closed my notebook shut so that someone wouldn't "accidentally" take a peek at it. "If it's vacation leave this week, shouldn't you be at your house? With your family members?"

"Yeah. I was on my way home when your mom called saying you went missing." He swept his hand through his black hair. "Anyways, what did you talk about with OceanGold?"

"Just things about preparing for debut and all that stuff."

"Wait, you're for real?" He sat up straight, no longer slouching on the bed.

I looked over at him, confused. "What do you mean for real?"

"You're actually planning on continuing with an idol career?"

I slowly nodded my head. "I mean... I don't want the past three or four years to go down the drain for nothing. Plus, what else have I got?"

He quietly looked down. After a few minutes of deep thinking, he looked up at me. "Are you okay with that?"

My lips pursed and I slowly nodded. I took a breath, "Yeah... I am." Hesitation was clearly noticeable.

His expression softened. "No one ever said you had to force yourself-"

"But I'm going to," I butt in. "Minjun... I made a promise and I decided years ago that I was going to do this- For Yujun oppa. And not only am I going to be doing this for him, but also the people who unfortunately lost their chance to debut with me."

"You've gone through so much already, though. Physically and mentally- From your accident and your previous treatments-"

"And nothing is easy. But I'm willing to go through more things if I have to, just to achieve this."

"How are you going to deal with criticism? The Yujun hyung I knew had a mental game as hard as a rock, but that eventually was broken. What if the same thing happens to you?"

"I know I'm going to have people around me to make sure that it doesn't happen again. You, Yuri unnie, and other people too, but most importantly, I'm going to be making sure that it doesn't happen again."

"I don't want to lose you, Yumi. I almost did two years ago... Do you know how worried I was when I heard what happened?"

"And I'm alive."

He dropped his forehead into the palm of his hand. "You know very well that second chances can be your last."

"Then I better make the most out of this one." 

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