Chapter 3

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"I feel bloom~ I feel bloom~ I feel bloom~" the singer, IU sang.

Seolhyun and I sat not far from the stage, but not close either. Unnie's boss managed to get me some tickets, and he got some pretty good seats.

I listened and stared at IU in awe of her talents. Songs were sung, from low tone to high pitched, long songs to short songs, and happy upbeat songs with slow sad songs.

Instantly, I wanted to be like IU. I wanted to go up on stage and perform too. I wanted to be a Kpop idol, and I knew this for sure. It wasn't going to be easy, but I won't be willing to back out.


"How was it, Yumi?" Seolhyun asked on the way back home. We were taking a taxi back to our houses.

"I wanna be like IU."

"So you've made your final, final, final decision?"

I nodded.

She encouragingly smiled, "You'll do amazing."

I hope so, I thought. I hope everyone who encouraged me to become an idol was right of their belief.

We arrived at Seolhyun's house first, and I waved her a good-bye as she got off the taxi. I asked the taxi to wait until Seolhyun had safely gone inside. After about two minutes, the driver pulled the lever back to drive and continued his way to my address.

I reached my destination, and opening my wallet, I pulled out ₩30 (approx. $30). Handing it to the driver, I thanked him and got off, entering the gates of my house.

I found it dark inside the house. No television sound, no screaming from my sister's gaming, no pots boiling on the kitchen stove. I quietly crept upstairs, into my room. I laid down my IU lightstick on my shelf before sitting down at my desk.

I wet a cotton pad with some makeup remover to erase the light eyeshadow and lip tint I applied. I rarely wore makeup, knowing that it wasn't the best for skin, but Seolhyun had convinced me to. I washed up in the bathroom, washing my face, brushing my teeth, applying some skin toner, and brushing out my hair. I stared at myself through the mirror.

I had dark black hair that started at the roots, but it turned brown as the hair reached the bottom. It wasn't long, but it wasn't short. Letting my hair rest, it reached 15 centimeters before my waist. I had pale skin, with a light amount of freckles, but barely enough to see. Everyone complimented my looks, but I never bragged about it. How could I help the way I looked? Some features they'd talk about were my natural double eyelids, long eyelashes, my pink lips that looked moist, and the fact that I had the most amazing body. I just stared, never did I imagine that I'd be entering an audition.

I walked back to my room, turning off the lights before crawling into my bed. I pulled the covers and closed my eyes.

There was just one thought that came to my mind. People don't see any flaws, they don't yet. I sighed, once I entered the kpop society I knew that people would name things that didn't fit their beauty standard.

I called OceanGold Entertainment the next day. They asked me to come over to the company next, next tuesday. I told them that I would have school, and they just simply told me that the entertainment would handle that matter.

For the next two weeks, I practiced and practiced my dance and song, hoping to impress the company.

"One, two, three, four, up and down, and wave," I mumbled to myself, practicing in front of my sliding mirror closet doors.

When I had first started dancing and figure skating, my parents had changed my closet's sliding doors from plain white to having mirrors on them. I had practiced exercising, stretching, and dancing in front of the mirrors almost every single day.

I sat down on my bed, and I knew I should keep practicing, but I sat down anyway. What if I don't get in? That'd be embarrassing, right?

Someone knocked on my door, which broke me off from my thoughts. Knock, knock!

"Yes? Come in," I said.

My sister came in, holding a tray of cut up fruits. "Here eat this." She placed the tray on my desk, and looked over to see my recording on my phone. "Oh you recorded your practice?"

"Just to check over..." I trailed off.

She pressed play and the music played as I had danced into it.

For 3 whole minutes, I just stared at my sister, who stared into the video.

"This is pretty good. I think it might be better than most of the global auditions we get for WaveMedia." She handed my phone back to me, "But remember to work on your facial expressions." She smiled before leaving my room, allowing me to practice again.

I ate the nutritions that my sister left for me, before placing my phone onto the tripod that stood next to my bed. Pressing the record button, I turned on the music and got ready. I started dancing along, waiting for the day that I would finally audition. 

Treasure From The StarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora