Chapter 8

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I walked out of the building and pulled out my phone. I began to type to Yena and Seolhyun in our group chat. Just then, I realized they were in school, so I backspaced and put my phone away.

I began walking home, knowing that I should stop by Ahjumma Park's store before. I walked a couple streets before I found myself in front of one of the other kpop entertainments. I read the name, Glorious Entertainment.

"Oh," I sighed. I knew this was one of the better companies, excluding OceanGold. I knew this company well, they were always trying to cast me, and I always refused.

I looked up again at their glowing sign and sighed. How are you oppa? I thought. Maybe I'll become an idol, just like you wanted. I smiled, but it quickly turned into a frown as memories rushed in. I heard the ringing of the ambulance alarms in my head. Thinking back to three years ago gave me chills down my spine.

"Yah! Yumi!"

I looked at the entrance of the entertainment to see Kim Changmin run up to me. Oh, I thought. I forgot that he was a trainee at Glorious Ent. who was planning on debuting in a year or so. "What?"

"Aye, what's with that rude attitude? I know you love me."

I shot him a glare, "You and your confidence. Gosh, but I don't. I won't."

"Why? What's wrong with me?"

I pointed at the building behind us. As he turned back, I tried to run away, but Changmin's hand caught my wrist.

"Where are you going?"

Away from the building of hell, I wanted to say. But I resisted and switched the conversation, "Aren't you supposed to be in school?"


"Why not?"

"Why are you so interested?"

I was stunned by his statement. "Because... It's a school day?"

He smirked. "I guess you really gave in to become a trainee."

I glared at him, "What gives you that idea?"

He let go of my wrist. "Well, you're not the type of person who'd skip school, your audition is on their website and youtube, and I might've seen you walk into OceanGold entertainment."

"What are you? A stalker?"

"Are you dating Ryu Minjun?"

Great. Ignoring my question, I thought. Wait, what did he say? "Who?"


"Who the heck is that?"

"You don't know?"

I crossed my arms. "Why should I? Or should I know him?"

"Wow, you really are something," Changmin scoffed. "Why don't you come with me and meet Woo PD-nim. He's been wanting to cast you for the past three years."

I swept my hand through my hair, agitated by what he said. What does that freaking CEO want?! I thought. Didn't he know why I was against joining Glorious Entertainment? I exhaled and told off Changmin, "Sorry, but I won't be. CEO Woo should know exactly why I'm refusing."

He grabbed my wrist again and started dragging me up the steps.

I swung my arm, trying to break free from his grip. "Yah! Kim Changmin! Let go!"

He stayed quiet and continued to drag me. From the corner of my eye, I saw the Head of Glorious Entertainment, CEO Woo watch from the window above. I blinked my eyes, and I was furious. CEO Woo told Changmin to bring me, I thought.

"Please! Let go of me. I don't want to see him!"

I tried leaning back, to keep my feet from sliding and following him. It was the wrong choice to wear heels today.

"Just come quietly!" Changmin told me.

We almost reached the entrance, but before we could someone saved me.

He grabbed Changmin's wrist.

"Yah! What are you?" Changmin said looking back. He gasped, but didn't let go.

I looked up to see the dude who I always saw at OceanGold entertainment. "You're from the... the elevator?"

He flashed a smile at me. "C'mon let's go Yum-ssi. Producer Ji wants to see you again."


"Check your messages." He turned to Changmin, "You let go of her. She said she doesn't want to go."

"This has nothing to do with you, Minjun."

"You better let go before I get mad."

Just then, I stepped on Changmin's foot with my black heel boots.

"Ow! Yah! Yumi! You-"

I grabbed the hand that belonged to the guy who saved me and ran all the way to OceanGold's building. I turned my head to catch a glimpse of Changmin hopping in pain. I laughed, but I was furious that CEO Woo would ask Changmin to do something like that.

I stopped when I reached the place I first met this dude. "Thank you," I said, panting. "Thank you for helping me there, uh..." I didn't know his name.

"You don't know my name?"

I shook my head, "Should I?"

He just smiled, "Minjun. I'm Minjun."

I just nodded my head, and pulled out my phone to check my messages.

My Messages:


Hello Yumi. This is Producer Ji.


Could you please make your way back to OceanGold? Thank you.

I saved the number as Producer Ji.

Then the name hit me. "Minjun?! Your name is Minjun?"

"Yeah, is there something wrong?"

"Hm? No." I smiled innocently. So this is the guy Jimin went bonkers for, and he's a trainee, I thought. I snickered to myself, that Yoo Jimin, always falling in love with people.

"What's so funny?"

I forgot that he was standing next to me. "Huh? Oh, it's nothing."

He raised his eyebrow, "Really?"

I nodded.

"Okay, then c'mon. The producers are waiting for you." He grabbed my wrist, but let go after I winced from the pain. "Sorry, does it hurt?"

I inspected my wrist, to see reddened marks. "I guess so..."

This time he held my fingers and walked me into the building. He sat me down in one of the waiting seats and walked over to the young women who stood behind the front desk.

I saw him ask her for some bandages and an ice pack. He made his way back and sat beside me. He held out his hand, asking to see my wrist, and I calmly revealed the injury.

He wrapped the thin but long ice pack around my skinny wrist and covered it with athletic bandages to keep it in place. "There you go. That should do for the meantime. But if it gets worse over time, you should go see a doctor."

"Thank you. But how did you know I was there?"

"Oh, I-"

"Yumi! You're back!" Producer Ji interrupted as she climbed off the elevator. "What's wrong with your wrist?"

"It's nothing much," I replied, rolling my wrist around to show her that I was fine. But I wasn't fine, rolling my wrist around, it ached, but it wasn't serious. "Anyway, um... What did you need me for?"

"Ah, yes. Could you follow me to Nam PD-nim's office?"

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