Chapter 6

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I woke up on Friday morning, to see new notifications from OceanGold.

My Messages:


Hello, Yumi. Could you please arrive 

by 11am? Thank you.


Also, please wear something that defines 

your fashion taste.


Yes, I will. Thank you for the information.

I got out of bed and opened my closet. There was so much to choose from, so I had no choice but to call my sister.

She came in within the next five minutes, but it took a lot of pleading and begging.

"So something sensible for an interview while showing your personal taste?"

I nodded, "But I can't choose! Do you have any recommendations?"

"Hm..." She looked through my closet, pulling out some clothes, while putting others back.

In the end she gave me two choices.

"You could either wear this," she said, showing me a lovely outfit. It was a two piece, with a white, floral, off-shoulder top with a plain pink mini skater skirt. Along with a beret and while heels. "Or you could wear this." She lifted up another set of clothes, and again it was a two-piece. A white blouse, but with a satin black crop-top to wear on top. She also found a pair of mid wash skinny jeans and a pair of black knee high boots. "If you choose the first outfit, it's more of your lovey dovey style, but if you choose the second set, you're going with your more mature and chic fashion sense." She laid them down on my bed, "You choose and get ready to go. I'll drop you off."

Right before leaving she whispered, "If you want my advice, go with the second one. I think it suits you better."

Hm... I took a long look at one, and another long glance at the other. I smiled brightly, I'll go with the chic outfit.

I hurried as I got changed, making sure to get ready as quickly as possible, without looking messy.

I sat down at my vanity, and pulled out my makeup. I felt like I was getting ready for a job interview, I guess it's similar? I grabbed some face powder, and applied just a bit, being able to show my light freckles. I began with a white eye shadow called Snow, applying it on my whole eyelid. I searched for a thinner and flatter brush, and brushed it into a light pink powder, adding it onto the inner sides of my eyelids. With a darker coral eyeshadow, brushed onto the outer half of my eyelids. I used a brown powder just to outline right on and above my upper lash line. Finishing my eye makeup with some eyeliner and mascara.

I spent about five minutes, determining whether I should apply blush or not. We'll just do a little, I thought, making my decision. I tapped a bit of very light pink blush, tinting my cheeks just a bit. I grabbed my PeriPera Ink Airy Velvet Tint, it was called Sold Out Red (조기품절), which was also referred to number 06. I made sure to add just a bit on my lips, and scraped the excess that was located on my applicator. This color was a bit red for my taste, but I found myself using it all the time.

I was finally ready. Oops, nevermind. I forgot to do my hair.

I let my side bangs droop at the sides of my face, and pulled the rest of my hair into a ponytail. I grabbed my white scrunchie that was outlined with black and tied it, tight.

Now I was ready.

I walked out of the house after greeting my mom and dad with a "Good morning." I saw my sister waiting in her nice and shiny SUV. It didn't seem dirty at all, maybe because it was black. Who knows?

"Ready, Yumi?" she asked, her hand on top of the steering wheel.

"Yup," I answered, climbing into the passenger's seat.

"Let's go!" My sister stepped on the pedal, driving away from our house. I saw it get smaller as we drove farther out onto the big roads.

We passed some buildings, small houses, large office towers, and stores too. Although I was used to seeing all these locations, they seemed different today. It was morning, and I never saw these architectures out at this time of day. The sun must shine differently, that's why it looks different, I thought.

After a short 10 minute drive, I finally reached my destination.

As I got off the automobile, I called out to my sister, "Unnie! You don't have to pick me up later. I have some things to do after." Before she could respond, I hurried into the building, not wanting to hear any nagging.

Before actually entering the building, I straightened out myself, and walked in. I just walked over to the front desk, just like the day of the audition.


The girl looked up. "Oh, hello! You must be Yumi! Producer Ji and Manager Lee are waiting for you."

I smiled, "Where should I head to?"

"Oh!" She chuckled, "My bad. Take the elevator to your right, and head up to floor 2. Soon you'll find a room labeled, Interview Room."

I slightly bowed my head, showing my gratitude before heading into the elevator.

I pressed the button that had the number 2 on it. The doors started closing, but then someone stopped it from. He put his hand in between the doors, causing the elevator to open once again.

I looked up to see the dude from the last time I came. This time he was wearing a black and white striped shirt, with a black motorcycle jacket. He smiled and waved at me.

Confused, I just slightly bowed my head, before shrugging it off.

"You're Yumi, am I right?"

I turned to the side to face him. I nodded my head, giving him the answer of, yes.

Before he could say more, the elevator opened up on the second floor. Ding!

"Uh, this is my stop," I say, and got off.

"Good luck! And I'll see you around," he said, just as the doors began to close.

I looked back, only to see the silver doors of the elevator.

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