Chapter 11: Did we win?

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"Earth. Even here it has some of the most powerful creatures. Funny how they are never its natives, but there is something off about this universe." Brainiac cycle through information on universe 7, he is surprised what he found. It was a different universe, but like what he is used to, for him, the universe is just another variation of the one he just left, just certain details changed.

This one was completely different, from its energy and structure entirely, this fascinated the collector.

"This is most peculiar, here isn't just another universe, but something else." On the production line, he crafted 7 droids to travel between universes, they all had his signature three dots, and look almost identical to him. "Go forth, and learn what this place is. Harvest everything you find, and make more just like this. May the experimenting begins and all life forms within thus multiverse are my test subject."

Back on earth, Piccolo was wailing on Goku, who was trying his best to snap his friend out of his daze. The namekian was fighting much differently from what Goku was used to, with caused him a bit of trouble, he was much faster, stronger and smarter.

"What's the matter Goku, you can't keep up?" Piccolo then blasted his beam cannon at the Saiyan, who effortlessly dodge it, he then appear behind Piccolo, pinning him down.

"Snap out of it, this isn't you." Goku said, struggling to hold his friend down, "Whatever is controlling you, you're stronger than that, I know so."

"Is that so." Piccolo morphed around the Saiyan body, and then fling him away. He then rush him down to strike him in the head, suddenly he stopped. He stood there for a second, then disappear.

Goku was stunned at the fact he just vanished, his very presence just went away. He got to his feet, wondering what just happened, it didn't help this feeling when the surroundings became hotter.

"Whew." Goku said, fanning himself, "Is there a heatwave or something." At that moment he then begins to sense Ki again. It felt like he was in a quiet room but then forced into a concert, which was jarring for the Saiyan, who now hear sense the sorrow of everyone in the city. So he teleported there.

When he reached there, he saw the crater where the city once was. He saw the crowd of people, some sobbing, others morn the loss of family, but most in disbelief at what happened. It didn't hell that presently the temperature was surging, some fainted from the heat, they complained about what's going on.

Goku commented, "Oh man, here it's worse."

That is when Goten run towards him, hugging him.

"Dad it's really bad, the alien took Bulma, make a massive ship then destroy the city. Not sure where it went cause I was here with Trunks and Bulla, thanks to Yamcha we are alive, everyone."

"Huh, a massive? Could it have taken the ship Bulma was making?"

"I don't know unless you asked for a skull octopus. Since it left moments later it just got hot." The boy point to the makeshift tents where those that fell conscious were being treated. "Been flying around picking up those that suffering from the heat and bringing them here. Well, it helps them a bit but we need water."

Goku didn't know what to do, he didn't use to having to deal with so many people who are in agony, "I think I got something to deal with this somewhere." He start digging through his pocket and pull out a capsule, he flew away from the crowd and toss it down.

A massive build appears, big enough to house some people. Goku smile to see it wasn't damaged in his fight with Piccolo, which then reminds him about Gohan, whose energy he couldn't sense.

"Oh, where is Gohan?" He tried again, focusing more on his son ki, instead, he go a trail, a strong one must be the residuals from his battle.

The people below cheer, now that they have shelter, not only that, inside had an assortment of food laid out on a table. Goku float down next to his son, patting the boy's head, looking at how much he has grown, he looks just like him when he took was a teen.

"Alright Goten, just remember that Bulma always has a stash of capsules. They are by Satan's vacation home, she put it there since it's far away from the city, for situations like this."

"What does it have?"

"Everything these people going to need." Goku wipe the sweat from his face, feeling a little exhausted, "I am going to find your brother, to make sure he is ok. Where is Trunks?"

The boy points to one of the tents, they both went there only to see Bulla crying on her brother's shoulder while he sleeps. Goten reassures Goku, and Bullas again, that Trunks is fine. Goku was relieved to hear this news when a sudden surge of energy came from the crater. Which caught all of their attention.

Back in the artic, Yamcha stood at that rim, before he lay a wasteland. He didn't believe for a moment he was on earth, however, he enter it anyway, darting around till he find what he is looking for.

Enduring the pain of lava against his skin, he pulls out a husk, a charcoal black, shrivelled humanoid body. He then begins second-guessing if what he found is actually what he is looking for. "It leads me here, so it has to be you."

He held the husk, pulling its head close to this air, he felt a faint whiff. A sigh of relief, his heart slower now as he looks up to clear sky, no clouds to be seen yet it was grey.

"Did we" He muttered, he carefully hoist the husk on his back and apologise he couldn't have been there any sooner. With that be raced off to where the city was.



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