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Arjun had just finished his morning prayers, when he saw Syamantaki coming towards his direction, she smiled seeing him but there was pain behind them. He could see she was having trouble walking.

Arjun looked at her feet and saw they were bruised, and fresh blood was coming from some. She probably scratched them while on her way here. But walking barefoot is not going to help her.

"Why are you walking barefoot Syamantaki ?" He asked.

"Ah ! You remember my name." Syamantaki said.

"Walking barefoot isn't the best thing to do in these hills." Arjun said.

"Then why are you walking barefoot ?" Syamantaki asked.

"I am here for penance." Arjun said.

"So am I. A penance of repentance." She let out a dry chuckle.

Arjun didn't understand what she meant so he just sat down after she did.

"So, the grumpy Tapasvi of Himalaya...." She muttered with a grin and Arjun rolled his eyes.

"Be quick." He said.

"Tell me Ar-.... Tapasvi ! Tell me Tapasvi who were you before you came here to do penance ?" Syamantaki asked.

"Why do you wish to know who I was. I am a Tapasvi, isn't that enough ?" Arjun asked frowning.

"Oh it is. But I will draw a comparison about your previous life and this tapasvi life. Just to know how Tapasya changes a person." Syamantaki said.

"Alright.... umm.... I was a Kshatriya." Arjun thought for a moment before telling. He had to be careful with his words.

"Kshatriya ? Interesting. You're like Vishwamitra, aren't you ? So were you just born to Kshatriyas or were you a warrior also ?" Syamantaki asked.

"I was a warrior." Arjun said with a sigh.

"Incredible. What was your weapon of choice ? Mace ? Swords ?" She asked.

"Bows and arrows." He said as a smile appeared on his face.

"Impressive. Did you have siblings ?" Syamantaki asked.

"Yes. Two elder brothers and two younger brothers." Arjun said as his smile widened.

"So you were the middle one ? Nice. Did you have a wife ?" She asked.

"I do." He was smiling like anything now.

"Do you miss them ?" Syamantaki asked such a question that made his smile fade away slowly.

He looked at her and then at the ground, a look of sadness appeared on his face. Arjun just got reminded of how much he misses them and longs to be with them. He was brought out of his thoughts hearing Syamantaki writing something on the paper with a quill.

"What are you writing ?" He asked.

"I'm writing that you do miss them." She said.

"But I didn't say a thing." Arjun said frowning.

"Your silence spoke a thousand words." Syamantaki said with a sad smile.


So you see what Syamantaki is doing here ? 🌝🌝🌝

ANURAG SYAMANTAKAM : 𝓐 𝓕𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓪𝓰𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓼𝓽 𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓮Where stories live. Discover now