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Cool breeze was blowing in the place where Prakriti resides in her true form. Indeed, the Himalayas are divine and tranquil.

Syamantaki was looking at the beautiful trees and lakes from her Palki, carried by strong men trekking into the mountainous region.

Some soldiers walked in front of the Palki, and some behind while some walked alongside. They were accompanied by maids and servants.

They halted near the famous and pious maansarovar lake. This is where the holy river the Ganga is believed to be tamed by Mahadev's locks.

It was the perfect weather, not too cold just pleasant. But not everyone was enjoying this, some sages at the maansarovar were sitting with disappointment.

"Rishivar, the the camp of our princess will be set up here. If you would move then we will grateful." One of the soldier said.

"Oh yes. You too send us away. Do we have no place to worship our Mahadev ?" The sage said disappointedly.

Listening to that Syamantaki approached the sage with Madhu following her behind.

"Forgive the soldier, great one. He was just performing his duty. You may worship Mahadev here, we shall place the tent on the other side of the lake." Syamantaki said.

"Bless you Rajkumari." The sages said.

"Rishivar if you don't mind me asking, what did you mean by 'Do we have no place to worship our Mahadev ?' Is something hindering your penance ?" Syamantaki asked.

"Even if it is, then what will you do Rajkumari ?" The sage sighed.

"It is the Kshatriya duty to ensure that the Brahmans are able to perform their austerities and yagyas. Allow me to help you." Syamantaki said.

"Well, a few years back a young man had come here, he was heartbroken and was drowning in grief and guilt. We told him if he wishes to get rid of the material miseries then penance is the way. From then the young man, established himself in the foothills of Himalayas performing penance. The heat of his tapobal was unbearable to us, thus we had no choice but to leave." The sage said.

"From his penance smoke is generating all over that place, we aren't even able to enter the tapovan where we performed austerities since ages. Day by day the heat of his tapobal is increasing so much that the entire Himalayas might melt." Another sage said.

Syamantaki was quick to know who the sages were talking about.

"What was his name ?" She asked just to be sure.

"He didn't tell us. He said that he has renounced everything." The other sage said.

"Can you tell me where the foothills of the Himalayas are located ? Where is he performing penance ?" Syamantaki asked.

"Over there in the north, you will find out where he is with when you feel the heat of his tapobal." One of the sages told.

"Thank you for telling me the way, Rishivar. I shall solve your problem." Syamantaki bowed to them.

"May you be successful in your motive !" All the sages blessed her.

"Madhu, follow me." Syamantaki said to her handmaiden.

She went to grab her bow and quiver of arrows, then move ahead to the north with Madhu following her behind. Few soldiers also accompanied them for security.

Soon after crossing the sharp rocky terrain, they finally started feeling the heat of tapobal, getting immense and immense as they walked further.

"Syamantaki, I don't think I can go further." Madhu said feeling hot.

ANURAG SYAMANTAKAM : 𝓐 𝓕𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓪𝓰𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓼𝓽 𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓮Where stories live. Discover now