Life was so much easier when I only cared about myself

Start from the beginning

Lizzie wonders out of the room and makes her way to the gym. Hope comes in and sits next to her and Lizzie let's out a sigh

Lizzie- Okay, that settles it. My sister is definitely a monster. Who else would decorate for our birthday party with black? I mean if this was an Ameila party this would fit.
Hope-Shouldn't you be in, like, witness protection or something?
Lizzie-If she still wants to kill me, the safest place I can be is right here next to you, through she has a tribrid too but anyway spill the plan I wanna help.
Hope-Okay, fine, but just, like, keep it down. I don't want them to know that we're up to anything.

Ameila and Josie appear behind them

Ameila-Up to what, exactly?
Josie-Come on, guys, this is all so unnecessary. If you have something to ask us, go ahead. I don't bite she might though
Hope-Then I will. Where's Josie and Ameila ?
Ameila-we are right here, silly.
Lizzie- The real ones, our Josie and Ameila our sisters
Josie-. So you mean Weak Josie and insecure Ameila? There gone... I thought I made that very clear. Thanks to you, selfish sissy. And I killed your Ameila back in the game-
Lizzie-You're right, okay? I was selfish. If you just come back, I'll try and change.
Josie- You always try to change. And it never sticks. So, pass. Any other questions? Hope-You said you came back here for a reason. Because deep down, you know that we can bring the good inside of you both out.
Josie- You're right. I do have a reason. And now I have to ruin the surprise.

Josie unspelled the banner revealing happy merge day

Lizzie-Merging isn't even possible. We're not 22
Ameila-Yeah, see,  I did a little research it turns out that's just a guideline. Kind of like driving a car or smoking cigarettes. Nobody wants you to do it before you're old enough, but you can.
Josie-So see you both tonight? Finger foods at around 7ish and then the Merge at 8. Oh, and don't be late, Lizzie, or else I will have to do something drastic.

Lizzie runs out to her room and started packing as Hope was quick behind her with Mg in tail.

Lizzie-Five minutes, Mikaelson. And this plan of yours had better include a nuclear warhead.
Hope- I'm making a potion...

Lizzie stared down the girl before she carried on packing

Lizzie - Oh! Fizzy, refreshing. But last time I checked not a nuke.
Mg-- Lizzie? Please.
Lizzie-Okay. Tell me about this potion.
Hope-It will create a fortified locality within your psyche when you merge.
Lizzie- What do you mean "when"?
Hope-Well, there's really no way around that part. But if this works, it'll create a safe space in your mind, divide Josie's consciousness and yours when you absorb her. And after we detox her with a dark magic cleanse, we'll be able to put Jo's mind back into her body.
Mg-And, uh, both of you will be normal... ish.
Lizzie-Okay, you said when I absorb her. Does this stupid plan only work if I win?
Hope-Technically, yes. But... we believe in you.
Lizzie-Well, there's your first mistake right there, okay? I am my biggest fan and even I know that Lord Josiemort is gonna squash me like a bug.
Mg- That's why I'm here.
Lizzie-To clean up my bug guts?!
Mg-No. To train you

Mg stood with a proud smile as Lizzie spun around to face Hope

Lizzie- and what will you be doing
Hope- getting a Mel's back because she's the best way to get to Jo's heart

Hope went off to find Amelia as she grabbed Landon to help. Josie on the other hand was having a talk with the almighty necomancer. The duo had found Ameila getting a drink and sitting on the counter

Hope- can we talk?
Ameila- hm little sibling bonding. Guess it's your turn to try and get my good side
Landon- time to come back to the light side

Ameila got off the counter and approached Landon and as she spoke she poked at his chest

Ameila- Kirby did you ever think that maybe I'm happy now. Hmm finally free. No worries with the weight of failure

Ameila Mikaelson/Legacies storyWhere stories live. Discover now