Being Dad [S]

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"Happy Birthday Hannah! How old are you, now?" I ask her, as she loves being asked it. "I'M SIX!" She shouts, as she holds up six of her fingers, and before long, Evangeline comes into the bedroom, a small smile on her face.

She toddles up to bed herself, and wraps her arms around Hannah, taking me aback. Usually, Evangeline doesn't like physical affection most times. She doesn't do it to be cruel, she just has to make up her own mind when she wants to cuddle anyone.

And I don't make her, unless she wants to. If she wants to cuddle someone, she will. If she doesn't, she won't. So, it takes me aback when she cuddles her sister. "Happy Birthday, Hannah," She beams, wrapping her arms around her.

"Thank you sissy!" Hannah beams, as I have such a massive smile on my face, imagining her little reaction to her birthday surprise. I stayed up for hours the night before, standing in the kitchen, calling Steph as I managed to get flour all down me.

But, I'd managed to make some birthday cake cinnamon rolls. I did not come up with that recipe myself, it was entirely Googled. And it took a lot of me shout whispering over the phone that I did not have a clue what I was doing.

But I managed to do it, with all of the cinnamon rolls cooked, and my sanity as good in tact as it could be for around four in the afternoon. "Do you wanna come downstairs, and see your birthday surprise?" I ask her, and she has a massive grin on her face.

"SURPRISE! SURPRISE!?" She asks, as she almost falls out of my bed, as she's practically scrambling on her hands and knees. Sometimes I'm convinced she's half puppy. She rushes downstairs, and I have to rush to follow her.

She waits eagerly for her surprise, and I reach into the cupboard and pull her out birthday breakfast surprise. "There you go!" I say to her, as she tilts her head and waits to look at him. "What are they?" She asks.

"Birthday cake... CINNAMON ROLLS!" I announce to her, and her eyes go wide. "YAY!" She squeals, as I go and grab some plates. She's going to make an absolute mess, I know her. She manages to make a mess with a bar of chocolate.

I grab two plates, as well as a small stash of napkins for the mess, as Evangeline and Hannah both sit down eagerly, and they're practically scrambling as I pass them plates. "Thank you, Mumma!" Hannah beams, as she begins eating.

She kicks her legs back and forth, as I pull out my phone, and open my phone. Looking, Dom's sent me a text, and I smile softly, as I saw he's texted me.


Tell Hannah Happy Birthday from me <3

Will do lovey 💕💕

Are you happy for me to come over later?? What time is the party at?

12 - 3 (pray for me 😭) but I'm pretty much starting getting shit started from 10:30/11:00

Feel free to come over before 12

I'll be there around 11:30 🖤🖤

Love ya X

I am stressed, I can barely turn around before Hannah has polished off a plate of birthday cake cinnamon rolls, and wants another, so does Evangeline. I oblige, it's her birthday after all. She wraps her arms around me, and smiles softly.

Making her another round of rolls, I have to prepare what the hell I'm going to do. In both girls classes, it's almost a social expectation that you have to invite all of the kids in your daughters class to your child's birthday party.

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