Chapter 45

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Naruto POV

It burns.

Somethings wrong.

My body is burning.

Am I in hell?

It hurts.....

I hear..... something?

No someone..... two people.

They sound................



Their voices annoy me..........

I don't want to wake up. Let me die and sleep forever..........

That's what I wished for who knows all long but for some reason sweet release never came to me. My body began to burn and ache for an eternity.

Then one day I could open my eyes again and I knew I had escaped any hope of dying.

"Uhhhh......" I mumbled as a I felt something injected in my arm and something strange down my throat and oxygen filling my nose.

The ache and burning never stopped. .......Why won't it stop........Why can't I die........


'to? What?'

"!" I heard again.

'Someone is calling someone's name?' Who are they? Who are they so desperately calling out for?'


I felt my eyes shoot burst open in shock.

The voice was Papa!

My father was calling me!

Where am I?

He sounds scared.

Is there more danger?

What's going on?

Why can't I say anything!?

Papa help me!

Make it stop! It's burns! It's hurts!

More pain begun to flare up and burn me from the inside out much more than before.

That wasn't the only thing that came rushing back into me.


Memories I never want to go through again.

Memories of me being violated and used.

Memories of me being harassed and bullied.

Memories of me being mistreated by those around me.

Memories of my father being taken away.

Memories of being told how insignificant I am.

Memories of my father suffering.

Memories of me being called a demon..........

The Kitsune Child (originally named Kurama's Child)Where stories live. Discover now