She was from the same area as me, and her name was Steph. She quickly became my complete best friend. She was attending the university as me, and she was also new to London and was going through the same emotions as me.

She remembered the petty dramas that had happened in our high school, the teachers and how funny or annoying some of them were, the stupid and sometimes extremely offensive graffiti that was put up in the school bathrooms.

And Steph really did help me get out of the house socially. She was far more of a social butterfly than I was, and she knew where everything was happening, and where to have fun in London. And that was absolutely essential for me.

For me, it wasn't necessarily the issue of wanting to be antisocial, I just didn't rather know how to be social. I didn't know where the nightclubs were, where the good bars were in London, where was cheap or where was expensive.

Thankfully, she seemed to do a pretty good managing it for herself, and finding it all out. We probably spent more of our first few weeks at university learnings the best clubs and bars in the local area, rather than the way to our lectures.

Before you judge us, we were freshly eighteen years old and we were living in a city alone, and that was our main identity before we were "students". Of course we wanted to get absolutely shit faced, and go to clubs, kiss people and regret it later.

Were we going to actually do that? Probably not.

But, in my opinion, as I was a bit of a workaholic, it was a way we could get coursework done, and it would still be fun. If we photographed local bands for some small fees, we could get a lot of extra pictures, and as well as fit some briefs for our portfolios.

So, we started attending local bars at any free chance we got in Central London. We went across Camden Town, Shoreditch, Chalk Farm, South Bank, Soho, Portobello, Notting Hill, we went everywhere we could. And, in Shoreditch, that was where we met.

"YUNGBLUD" first performed live in a small and slightly questionable Shoreditch bar. 

Me and Steph were both having meant to have gone out for doing slight coursework that night, but Steph had almost immediately abandoned that night after her attention had been absolutely snatcheed by someone else in the bar that night.

She had been flirting with a Scottish guy at the bar, all night long.

While she'd been flirting, she'd started a drinking game with him. She had a bet with him that every single time that he managed to finish a shot before her, she would have to undo one of the buttons on her shirt.

By the time we reached about 11pm, she only had about three buttons on her shirt undone. One thing to know about Steph, that woman can take shots like a fucking champ. As we reached about 11pm, the guy she was flirting with disappeared into the backstage.

Well, backstage, it was just a small area behind the stage and it was a side door behind the stage that couldn't be much taller than a couple of feet. The bar was crowded, through there were only about twenty five to thirty people in the bar.

 It was just an extremely small bar, that was all there was to it. Me and Steph were extremely confused for a few moments, until an announcement was made. "Now, can all of you make some noise for YUNGBLUD!" The bar manager announced.

Pink lights came on, and quickly, the two of them came on stage. Steph's Scottish crush, Adam, was the guitarist for the main act, who was definitely the main love in my eyes, Dom Harrison. He was so young looking back, bless him.

Dom had brown hair at the time, and I saw that he was practically shaking for how nervous he was. As I found out later, this was his first time performing live. His setlist had no choice but to really be short, as he had three mains songs at the time.

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