Volume 1 Chapter 10: Dropping Like Flies...

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Lexi fell to her knees breaking down as all of her friends and family was all killed in action. Without giving a proper goodbye, or even hugging them farewell. She collapsed to the ground and then heard Zane's voice saying her new name. She was crying in her sleep.  She was leaning up against the sandstone wall. She wiped her eyes and then smiled slightly at the dream and memories she relived. "I'm coming to save you, and this time I won't fail. I'll make sure to fix this world for the better. And I hope you can hear me, Major? I promise to live on for you, in my new life. To the fullest extent of my abilities." She stood up and clenched her fists tightly.

Her long strawberry red flowed freely behind her as she walked towards the exit of the tunnels to join up with the others to go save Vlad and kick off "The Underground" rebellion. She had a serious and determined shine in her hazel green eyes with golden rings.

Overview Flashback: A few weeks before the invasion & endless slaughter.

The Major got a call from an old friend and it was about his wife and son. He collapsed to his knees breathing heavily as burning hot tears streamed down his face. A hard lump in his throat restricted him from saying anything. He just hung up the phone, clenched onto his phone and broke it with brute strength.

A few hours leading up to the invasion. The Major called Lexington into his office as she walked in she could tell something was wrong. He smiled through the pain of losing everything he held dear. The only thing that was left was his remaining squad member and closest friend Lexington. They both lost so much but somehow are still standing strong. "Danger is coming our way, I want you to leave the city and get to safety. The military isn't going to be able to win this time. The scout's information is overwhelming bad. Before you say anything, consider it my last order for you." She started crying but forced herself to give him a salute. He returned the gesture and then shouted at her to hurry. She left the room hesitantly as she wanted to stay behind and fight with her leader and friend to the end.

As soon as she left his sight he sighed softly as the tears began to flow out. "I'm so sorry for pushing you away, Lexi. I just can't afford to lose another person I love to this damn war.  They already took my family, I can't have them steal you away from me as well. After all we are like family too. You saved me too many times than I can count, this is the only way for me to return the favor." He got out his Glock from his holster and rested it down on the desk in front of him. "Please live on for me and everyone we have lost. I'm sure you'll make the world a better place." He heard gunfire and battle cries inching towards the building he was holding up in. He pulled back on the gun and got ready to fight until the end by himself.

Nazis poured into the room but overwhelmed him, he couldn't take them all. He just closed his eyes and whispered softly,"Goodbye."

Flashback Ended:

Conrad, Zane & Rose dropped down on three guards in unison and knocked them out swiftly and then unlocked the front door for the other soldiers to get into the Temple. She dashed down the hallway with Zane trailing behind. She grabbed her two draggers as she leaped towards two soldiers standing guard. She stabbed them both on the neck on her way down. She landed gracefully and saw two crowds of half dragon soldiers with Spears and Scimitar blades. "Zane you take care of the left, I got the right!" "Alright, sounds good!" They both split up and went two different directions. She threw her two daggers past the front enemies and killed the spear wielders. She grabbed her sword and blocked  the two strikes from above. "I won't let him down!" She felt a surge of pain and strength wash over her body. They were blasted backward and to the ground. She looked down at her right hand as a cyclone symbol appeared and started glow with magic. "I have a wind rune on my body? But when did?" Her thoughts were interrupted by a dagger flying past her face. She looked over to see Zane struggling against a dragon captain with wings and a tail. "Sorry about that, Rose! I'm having a hard time right now!" He went flying into the ground. He rolled out of the way of the dragon's spiked tail. Rose sheathed her sword and held out her two hands. Spirals of wind formed on her wrists as the spears on the ground started to hover. "Heh, this feels so cool." She looked over at Zane and the dragon. "Zane run towards me!" He got up and  saw her using unique magic. She attracted the two Spears into her hands and took a step forward. "Hit the deck!" He slid past her at the last second. She threw the two Spears and they both moved on their own going directly towards the dragon's eyes. It shrieked and opened up it's mouth to breathe fire. Rose just stood there in shock over what she just did. Zane grabbed her wrist and ran around the hallway and towards the throne room. "Snap out of it. You are here to save that creature of the night, right?" She nodded her head and smiled at him. "Yeah, he's my friend." "Then you better be quick. I'm going to lead that Monster away. Good luck." He let go of her hand and ran the opposite direction. She sprinted towards the double doors and screamed out as she used her wind magic. "I object to you killing him!" Vlad was breathing heavily as blood dripped off his body. The queen was transformed and was in rough shape but not as much as Vlad.

Dragon Queen: "What's this? A little girl?"

Vlad: "What are you doing here? I thought you'd would have left me behind by now..."

Rose looked at Vlad. He wasn't doing so well right now. "I wasn't too late, right?" He didn't know what to say to her question. Several hundred half dragon soldiers poured into the room surrounding Rose. She stood there sweating bullets with nervousness. She clenched her fists and held them up. "Kill her!"

To be continued...

The Cursed Princess: The Long Journey | Book 1 | Vol 1-8 | (Original Series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin