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A.N: This is the ending chapter I hope you guys enjoyed the book.

The sequel will be out soon.

Bye 👋

Porsche's P.O.V:

I looked at Tem incredulously.

"Tem...What the fuck did you do?" I asked.

Tem pursed his lips into a thin line and looked at the floor.

Kinn sighed heavily and facepalmed.

"I'm going to check on Tae" Kinn said.

I nodded and he left immediately.

The guests looked really uncomfortable but it's not weird considering what happened just now.

Kim turned the video off.

"The party is over thank you for coming" Kim said.

Then we both led the guests out with the other bodyguards.

After some time my phone started ringing and I saw that it was Kinn so I picked up.

"I might come late today so I left the present in your room...Ummm...Happy birthday" Kinn said.

"Thank you" I said.

"Well...I should go now I'm driving" He said.

Then hung up.

I sighed heavily and facepalmed.

"Maybe you should go find your friend" Kim said.

I nodded and went to look for Tem.

He was in the restroom sitting on the floor hugging his knees.

"Tem?" I asked.

He looked at me and I saw that he was crying.

"Porsche...You have to believe me...I didn't know he had a boyfriend" He said.

He wiped away his tears as he looked at me hopefully.

Then took my hand.

"You believe me right?" He asked.

"I don't know...Just tell me what happened Tem" I said.

He nodded.

"When your brother almost got kidnapped...Pete saved us...Then me and Porchay had to stay with P'Time temporarily..." He started.

Tem's P.O.V:

I was desperate for anyone to believe me so I decided to tell Porsche everything.


Pete told me that he called Porsche and told him that we changed location.

"He said that he'll text you later but he can't now" Pete said.

I sighed heavily and nodded.

Jom called me last night and said that more people came to look for Porsche and Porchay.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked Pete.

Pete sighed heavily and started explaining everything to me.

"SHIYA" I said.

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