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Kinn's P.O.V:

I received a call from Ken telling me that he couldn't find any prisoners by the name Porsche.

Our moles with the police denied it as well.

It's as if that guy just vanished into thin air.

And it was really getting on my nerves.

I went to our house in Bangkok to take care of this matter myself.

But where should I start?

Even the little brother is gone.

I sighed heavily and ruffled my hair in frustration as soon as I parked the car in front of the house then got inside.

"Mr Anakin" Ken said greeting me politely.

I nodded and patted his shoulder then headed straight to my room upstairs.

I took the picture I had in my pocket.

The house he lives in is gone...

Then suddenly I had an idea.

So I told Ken to come upstairs.

"Yes mr Anakin?" He asked as soon as he walked into the room.

"I want you to find out who mortgaged that house...I also want to meet the person who bought it" I said.

Then gave him the address of the house.


Kim's P.O.V:

I was at home listening to music by myself in my room when Tankul suddenly walked in unannounced.

Oh give me a break...

"Pete and Jom aren't here come watch a movie with me" Tankul said as he tugged at my hand.

"I'm in the middle of something as you can see" I said.

"Oh come on don't be such a kill joy you brat" He said.

"Stop bothering me you buffalo" I said.

"Stop being so rude" He said then leaned over and bit my shoulder hard.

"AHH...Son of a..." I started.

Then pushed him off and we started wrestling on my bed.

Arm and Pol ran in immediately.

"Let's go watch the new drama together mr Tankul" Pol said as Arm tried to get him off me.

Tankul grabbed my neck and started lightly choking me as I did the same.

Then we both let go of each other when Arm finally managed to get him off of me.

Then they walked out of the room.

I sighed heavily and ruffled my hair in frustration when I looked at my neck.

Then Tankul started his karaoke show downstairs which was horrible to say the least.

I put on my street clothes and walked out of the house then took the car to the casino.

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